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September 22, 2020

National 1xbet best casino website Registration Day — plan to vote

Submitted by Adrian Rodriguez and Tim Shaffer

Today, Sept. 22, is National 1xbet best casino website Registration Day, six weeks to the day from Nov. 3, the general election. This season offers the opportunity for you to exercise one of the most basic acts of citizenship: to vote. So, what is your voting plan?

Follow three simple steps and your 1xbet best casino website will enable you to participate in local and national issues and leadership selection. Making a 1xbet best casino website is especially important for students registering for the first time or those who have changed addresses and need to decide where they want to cast their ballot. For everyone this year, deciding whether to vote in person or by mail, in advance or on Nov. 3, is of special significance for personal and public health reasons.

Historically, college students have voted at lower rates than older adults, yet that may be starting to change. Research from the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University found that in 2018, youth turnout was the highest we have ever recorded for a midterm election, and young people's participation increased — compared to 2014 — more than that of older voters. At 1xbet best casino website , the voting rate in 2018 was 36%, an increase of 20.4% from 2014. However, we were below the national average for colleges and universities of 39.1%. View the PDF report.

The 1xbet best casino website ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge team encourages all citizens to increase voter participation by making a plan, sharing it with your friends and encouraging them to follow through rather than waiting for the last opportunity at the polling place. Early voting begins Oct. 14 in Kansas, so whether you mail in a ballot or go directly to the courthouse to vote, you can reduce the lines on Nov. 3 and be assured of your own participation. View theALL IN Leadership Committee and its PDF action 1xbet best casino website .

Be sure — Be safe — Vote!

Download How to Vote in Three Steps infographic.