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  4. »Tips to reduce 1xbet sports betting 19 risk while having a social life

K-State Today

September 4, 2020

Tips to reduce 1xbet sports betting 19 risk while having a social life

Submitted by Division of Communications and Marketing

Whenyou're not in class or at work, staying home isthe best wayto stay healthyand reduce 1xbet sports betting risk ofcontracting or spreadingCOVID-19.

The more time you spend in crowded spaces or with individuals who do not live with you, the higher 1xbet sports betting riskforcatchingCOVID-19.This is whyface coverings and physical distancing requirements are in place acrossKansas StateUniversity and at all local businesses and restaurants.

Usethese tipsfrom theCenters for Disease Control and Preventionto reduce 1xbet sports betting risk during off-campus activities and help protect our communitywhile having a social life. On-campus activities should follow 1xbet best casino we.

If 1xbet sports betting decide to host a gathering:

  • Encourage physical distancingand wearing face coverings.

  • Host 1xbet sports betting gatherings outdoors when possible. If this is not feasible, make sure the room or space is well ventilated.(For example, open a window.)

  • Arrange tables and chairs to allow for 1xbet sports betting among guestswhodo not live together.

  • If planning games, consider those where 1xbet sports betting can be maintainedand do not involve the sharing of drinks or food.

  • Minimize greetings that promote close contact such as handshakes and hugs.

  • Consider providing face coverings for guests or asking them to bring their own.

  • Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces and any shared items between useswhen feasible.

  • Make sure to wash 1xbet sports betting hands or use hand sanitizer before eating or drinking.

If 1xbet sports betting attend an event or gathering:

  • Stay home if 1xbet sports betting are sick,if 1xbet sports betting arewaiting on results of a1xbet sports betting 19 testorif youmay have beenexposed to 1xbet sports betting 19.

  • Prioritize attending outdoor activities over indoor ones and stay within 1xbet sports betting local area as much as possible.

  • Bring a face covering and hand sanitizer.

  • Maintain 6feetofphysical distance frompeoplewho don't live in 1xbet sports betting household.

  • Attend the event early or at off-peak times to avoid crowding and congested areas.

  • Avoid using restrooms or concession areas at high-traffic times such as intermission, halftime or immediately at the end of the event.

  • Don’t share food or drinks.

  • Wash 1xbet sports betting handsor use hand sanitizerbefore eating or drinking.

Anotherideais tocreate 1xbet sports betting own bubble.

  • Just like the NBA, try to create a bubble and spend social time with the same group of friends. By doing so, you may reduce your chances of 1xbet sports betting 19, especially if you are all following safety practicessuch asgood hand hygiene, wearing face coverings and maintaining physical distance.

Find moreCDCtips toreduce risk and stop the spread of 1xbet sports betting 19and learn more abouthealth and wellnessat K-State.