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K-State Today

August 24, 2020

K-State expands COVID-19 1xbet online games login capacity; conducts voluntary surveillance 1xbet online games login of students

Submitted by Division of Communications and Marketing

OnMonday, Aug.24,Kansas State Universitywill beginconductingvoluntary surveillance 1xbet online games login ofstudents who live in Manhattan residence hallsand JardineApartmentsas part ofthe university'senhanced 1xbet online games login for asymptomatic individuals.

In addition to 1xbet online games login for students,K-State has expandedits COVID-19 1xbet online games login capacityatWe are currently expeto include asymptomatic 1xbet online games login of faculty and staffas needed.The university already has the capability to test students, faculty and staff with COVID-19 symptoms.

The voluntary surveillance 1xbet online games login of students in on-campus housingis intended to help identify students who may be asymptomatic but COVID-19 positive, in order to isolate them, provide follow-up care and contact trace to help mitigate the spread of the virus.  

Student participation in the 1xbet online games login isnot mandatory and the 1xbet online games login will be provided at no cost to students.Students who live in the residence halls will be in the first pool of 1xbet online games login candidates. Additional student groups will be invited to test over time.

Each weekK-State will testapproximately 10% of 1xbet online games login living in the residence halls. An email will go out at the beginning of each week to the 1xbet online games login who are randomly selected to participate. The test results are protected as a confidential student record.

The 1xbet online games login will be conducted at Lafene Health Center and will be a self-administered nasal swab test. This is not the deepswab, butis a more comfortable and quick 1xbet online games login method that is still very accurate, saidKyle Goerl, medical director for Lafene Health Center. 

"We strongly encourage 1xbet online games login to consider participation in thistesting program,"Goerl said."This strategy will be more accurate and effective if we have a higher rate of participation. We want every Wildcat to be aWellcat."

In addition to the surveillance 1xbet online games login , K-State alsohasenhanced its asymptomatic testingof students, faculty and staff.The enhanced asymptomatic testingatWe are currently expewillbe for individuals meeting specific criteria, includingstudents inisolated areas of congregate living,people incertain academic programs where prolonged close contact occurs,and close contacts of positive cases.

Students, faculty or staff at the Manhattan campus should call Lafene Health Center at 785-532-6544 ortheirlocal health care providersto determineifasymptomatictesting is needed. They should call before arriving at Lafene Health Centerbecause an appointment to complete 1xbet online games login may be needed.Students, faculty and staff at the Polytechnic and Olathe campuses should contact their local primary care providers or county health departmentsto access a 1xbet online games login location.Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms.

If 1xbet online games login , faculty and staff areclose contacts,theywill receive a call fromtheircounty public health departmentsor Lafene Health Center to informthem if theyshould be tested.Kansas State university 1xbet online casino.Ifstudents, faculty and staff are concerned that theyhave been exposed,they shouldcontact Lafene Health Center ortheirprimary care physiciansto discuss the appropriate steps.

Visitk-state.edu/covid-19for the latest updatesand learn more aboutthe EveryWildcat AWellcatinitiative atk-state.edu/ewaw.