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K-State Today

July 16, 2020

Finalizing and communicating fall 2020 1xbet online casino schedule and promoting face mask usage

Submitted by Chuck Taber

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Dear K-State community,

Since my last message on Kansas, much progress has been made on planning for 1xbet online casino instruction in the fall. We are reaching a critical point in the planning when information, guidance and decisions are coming together and we want to communicate what to expect over the next few weeks related to 1xbet online casino instruction.

We have previously shared a number of initiatives that are underway to help facilitate flexible, innovative and safe learning environments.

  • Kansas State 1xbet spand planning to address physical distancing requirements, ventilation issues and technology upgrades is nearing completion, as well as formalizing the details of the practices to promote health and wellness in the classroom.
  • Efforts are underway to de-densify all classrooms and instructional spaces by establishing limits for in-person classes, offering online or blended/hybrid formats courses, and prioritizing in-person classes for those where 1xbet online casino -to-1xbet online casino instruction is maximally effective such as labs, performance courses and clinical instruction.
  • Faculty, departments and colleges are in the final stages of determining how to best offer 1xbet online casino robust and innovative teaching and learning experiences. Important information about the teaching format — in-person, online, or blended/hybrid — has been compiled.

Inevitably, these efforts are leading to changes in academic schedules, including teaching format, room assignments and class times. We recognize that these changes will feel disruptive and require a great deal of flexibility on the part of 1xbet online casino , faculty and staff. These changes have not been taken lightly and we continue to use the following principles to guide our academic instruction decision making for fall:

  • Continue to protect the health and safety of 1xbet online casino , faculty, GTAs, staff and our communities.
  • Maintain high-quality learning environments for our 1xbet online casino .
  • Balance the needs of 1xbet online casino and faculty/GTAs.
  • Be adaptable to respond to changing conditions related to COVID-19.

An important next step is finalizing the academic schedule, communicating changes to 1xbet online casino and providing advice and support in adjusting schedules, if needed. In the coming weeks the following will happen:

  • Revisions will be made to the fall 1xbet online casino schedule in KSIS between now and Aug. 3.
  • During this schedule adjustment period, 1xbet online casino may see changes in their fall semester course schedule.
  • Changes will not be finalized until Aug. 3. 1xbet online casino should wait to make changes to their schedule until they receive notification that the schedule adjustments are complete.
  • 1xbet online casino who have already enrolled in fall courses will be notified by Aug. 3 that the changes are complete.
  • 1xbet online casino will then have the opportunity to visit with their academic advisors and make any course adjustments, if necessary, and pending availability of courses.

Many of you have also asked questions about how the university will support the requirement to wear face coverings. There are a number of initiatives designed to educate and inform 1xbet online casino , faculty, staff and visitors about the requirement. Kansas S 1xbet online casino be posted with a centralized way to order consistent, branded signage from University Printing. The comprehensive personal wellness campaign, Every Wildcat a 1xbet on, and Every prominently feature reinforcement of wearing of 1xbet online casino coverings as a critical element to help protect our communities. A team is working to revise the Safety and trainin for 1xbet online casino and employees with plans to have the training available in early August. The university has also added a number of Faceabout the process of enforcing the policy and guidance for individuals in how to address someone who is not wearing a 1xbet online casino covering. A 1xbet best casino we 1xbet online casino be included on each course syllabus. A resource 1xbet online casino be made available to serve as a script for individuals who may need to inform someone of the face coverings policy. All of these efforts are designed to support the requirement to wear a face covering, which I am viewing as a cornerstone of our health and wellness initiatives to help keep our communities safe and our campuses open for in-person activities.

I want to offer my appreciation to the many groups who are working tirelessly to advance our academic instruction planning for the fall. And, to our faculty, staff and 1xbet online casino , thank you for your patience while we gather information, consult with experts, develop guidance and make decisions to support the health and wellness of our communities. Continue to visit the1xbet sports bettwebsite for information and updates. You can find the most current information regarding 1xbet online casino instruction under 1xbet sports bett.

Please take care of yourself and each other.


Chuck Taber
Provost and executive vice president

In this issue

From the provost
From the administration
News and research
Campus construction and maintenance