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  4. »Highlights from the June 9 1xbet sports betting meeting

K-State Today

June 22, 2020

Highlights from the June 9 1xbet sports betting meeting

Submitted by 1xbet sports betting

These are the highlights from the June 9 1xbet sports betting meeting, which took place via Zoom. Minutes become available on the 1xbet sports betting website as they are approved.


Provost Taber continues to provide senators updates regarding financial matters to the 1xbet sports betting related to the COVID-19 pandemic. A budget update was shared, along with information regarding administrative furloughs. Additionally, the academic calendar for the 20-21 year has been revised. A variety of questions and comments were addressed.

Vice President Jeff Morris and Ashley Martin with the Division of Communications and Marketing, and Vince Kalt, from BVK, an independent marketing an advertising agency headquartered in Milwaukee, provided an overview of the upcoming repackaging for the 1xbet sports betting regarding its messaging. This is not a move to change letterhead or logos, rather it is an improved storytelling strategy for the 1xbet sports betting .

Standing committee and Student Senate reports:

  • Academic Affairs: Many course and curriculum proposals were reviewed and approved, including a new graduate certificate from Arts Sciences. The complete rehaul of the Approval, Routing, and Notification Policies for Course and Curriculum Processes was approved. Most changes reflect current practices. Over the summer, work will be done to update websites and Curriculog forms and workflows.
  • Faculty Affairs: They continue to discuss the economic and health impacts for faculty related to COVID-19. Additionally, the pandemic has affected productivity levels for many and therefore, how evaluations will be conducted remains a topic they will keep a close eye on. There has been guidance related to teaching evaluations, however, less guidance related to research productivity.
  • Professional Staff Affairs: No report.
  • Student Senate: A special meeting was held on May 28to act on privilege fee entities' contracts. The budget cut of a little over 0,000 was handled via a three percent across the board reduction, except in a few cases.
  • Technology, FSCOT: Brett DePaola will serve as the new co-chair for 2020-2021. ITS provided an update related to the academic instruction working group. Gary Pratt, CIO, continued the conversation with the committee on shared governance and the role FSCOT plays. The 2019 Data Access Report was received. During their next meeting they will be provided an update of IT updates in the classroom in preparation Fall 2020 instruction needs.
  • 1xbet sports betting Planning, FSCOUP: Dan Ireton will serve as the new co-chair for 2020-2021. Ethan Erickson and Barbara Anderson visited the June meeting. A budget update was provided and the committee discussed furlough guidelines in detail and compiled a list of questions to bring forward to central administration as administrative furlough plans continue to move forward for this coming year.


  • President Markham shared information related to academic continuity and instruction. The academic calendar for the 2020-2021 year is now revised. Commencement dates for fall will also be revised. President Markham also asked that questions regarding furloughs that are not addressed in the FAQ be sent to her. She is compiling these to share with Human Capital Services.
  • President Markham reported on the Kansas State 1xbe.
  • Appointments and recommendations for 1xbet sports betting and Presidential committees and councils have been made. Notification to those individuals is forthcoming.

Open discussion period:

  • Senators discussed furlough guidelines in more detail during this time.
  • Senators had lengthy conversation about continued social injustice at K-State and nationally. The context for #BlackAtKState and #BlackInTheIvory was presented. Those interested in a discussion about how 1xbet sports betting can support structural changes to address current inequities at K-State please contact past president González.
  • Senator Dodd presented a statement about budgetary adjustments and furloughs to Senate for inclusion in the full minutes. The Senate thanked Senator Dodd for articulating the perspective of the senate in this regard.

Thank you for all you continue to do for K-State. Please send an email to either facsen@k-state.eduor mmarkham@k-state.eduwith any questions or concerns.

With best wishes for health and safety,

Mindy Markham
1xbet sports betting President
Department of Applied Human Sciences
Kansas State 1xbet sports betting
Manhattan, KS 66506