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  4. »Highlights from the March 17 Faculty Senate meeting

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April 6, 2020

Highlights from the March 17 Faculty Senate meeting

Submitted by Faculty Senate

Guests: Provost Taber provided an update to senators regarding steps taken at our 1xbet online games login to keep faculty, staff and students safe during the recent COVID-19 developments in the U.S.

Dean Goetsch discussed the Monograph Collection as well as the Library's plan to assist faculty and students during this challenging set of circumstances.

Standing committee and Student Senate reports:

  • Academic Affairs: Several course and curriculum proposals were reviewed and approved. The Optional Syllabus statement on Mental Health Awareness was approved.
  • Faculty Affairs: A proposed 1xbet online games login Excused Absence Policy was presented for a first reading.
  • Professional Staff Affairs: No report.
  • Student Senate: 1xbet online games login Proud continues to meet virtually so there is some potential for continued Student Opportunity Awards this semester. A resolution regarding upholding our inclusive and welcoming campus was shared. Finally, they are continuing FY21 contracts and reservations where possible.
  • Technology, FSCOT: No report.
  • FSCOUP: Scheduled classroom updates were reported on. There is opportunity for recommendations to be provided for City/1xbet online games login funds project. Finally, the research enterprise continues to be studied.


  • All In for 1xbet online games login is postponed at this time.
  • Faculty Senate elections are in process.
  • President González reported on the February Kansas State.
  • For some great creative ideas about remote teaching strategies, including assessment, visit the website: /keepteaching/training.html.

Open discussion period

  • President González reported there is a faculty/staff resource to address anxiety and stress: Employee Assistance program is available 888.275.1205, press option No. 1.
  • New Initiatives/For the Good of the 1xbet online games login : Due to several different sessions at the First Tuesday event, no time was available for sharing out initiatives; however, this will continue to be something done at First Tuesday events and at the end of Faculty Senate meetings in order to share potential collaborations and initiatives at their earliest stages of ideation.
  • President González expressed gratitude to senators for their leadership during this difficult transition to remote teaching and remote work. Senators expressed their thanks in turn.

Thank you for all you continue to do for 1xbet online games login . Please send an email to either facsen@1xbet online games login eduor tgonzale@1xbet online games login eduwith any questions or concerns.

With best wishes for health and safety,

Tanya González
Faculty Senate President
Professor, Department of English
Kansas State 1xbet online games login
Manhattan, KS 66506