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  4. »Kansas Board of 1xbet best casino website December meeting agenda items

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December 18, 2019

Kansas Board of 1xbet best casino website December meeting agenda items

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

The Kansas Board of Regents 1xbet best casino website meet Wednesday, Dec. 18, at the Curtis State Office Building in Topeka. The board 1xbet best casino website consider the following agenda items related to Kansas State University during the meeting.

Consent agenda

The Regents 1xbet best casino website act on K-State's request to create three new academic programs. Creation of an Associate of Applied Science in aviation maintenance and an Associate of Applied Science in professional pilot 1xbet best casino website help address the shortage of qualified aviation maintenance personnel and pilots. Both programs 1xbet best casino website be offered beginning spring 2020. A Master of Industrial Design 1xbet best casino website be offered in collaboration with the established curriculum of the Master of Interior Architecture & Product Design program. The program 1xbet best casino website be available in fall 2020 and 1xbet best casino website focus on manufacturing and product development.

Discussion agenda

The Unclassified Staff Council and the University Support Staff Council worked with the Docking Institute to develop and conduct a morale survey on five of the state university campuses, including K-State. The Regents 1xbet best casino website receive a report on the survey findings.

Nine 1xbet best casino website are recommended for approval as systemwide transfer 1xbet best casino website among all 32 public postsecondary institutions offering the 1xbet best casino website . The recommended 1xbet best casino website are Creative Writing, Introduction to Exercise Science, New Testament, Piano I, Piano II, Principles of Management, Three-dimension Design, Two-dimension Design and Voice and Dictation.

The Regents 1xbet best casino website vote on the housing and food service rates for the 2020-2021 academic year, which are effective July 1, 2020. K-State's typical housing rate for the 2020-2021 academic year 1xbet best casino website increase by a proposed 0.4%, which is an increase of . The typical rate is based on a double room in the residence halls and 14 meals per week.

The Educational Building Fund is the primary source of state funds for building projects at Regents' institutions. Funds are allocated annually based on gross square feet of eligible buildings and must be used for planning, new construction, reconstruction, equipment and repair of eligible buildings and grounds. The Regents 1xbet best casino website receive a report on how fiscal year 2019 Educational Building Funds were spent and act on the allocation of funds for fiscal year 2021. K-State's proposed fund allocation is ,259,000.

Agendas and complete meeting minutes are available online. For live updates on all Kansas Board of 1xbet best casino website meetings, follow @ksregents on Twitter.