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  4. »First 1xbet online games login level agreements published for new budget model

K-State Today

December 16, 2019

First 1xbet online games login level agreements published for new budget model

Submitted by Ethan Erickson

As outlined by Provost Taber in a Kansas State 1xbe last spring, the creation of 1xbet online games login level agreements, or SLAs, and a benchmarking process for university 1xbet online games login centers is part of implementing the new budget model. We are pleased to share the first three SLAs developed over the past several months for the Division of Communications and Marketing, the Division of Facilities and Human Capital Services.

These SLAs, developed by the 1xbet online games login Cente, were reviewed and approved through the budget model governance structure this fall. SLAs for the other 1xbet online games login centers will be published by the beginning of the fall 2020 semester. We will plan for annual updates to occur over the summer to keep these 1xbet online games login level agreements meaningful and current.

These SLAs will allow us to have a clear understanding of the levels and types of services provided by our 1xbet online games login centers that are funded by General Use dollars. They help communicate the additional levels of services requested by campus units that may result in additional charges. SLAs provide a basis for benchmarking when comparing our 1xbet online games login centers to peer institutions and play a role in understanding the impact of growing or reducing funding to 1xbet online games login centers and the impact on the level of 1xbet online games login that can be provided.

We thank the 1xbet online games login Center Working Group and the 1xbet online games login centers for the tremendous effort they have undertaken to create these first high-level agreements.


Ethan Erickson
Chief financial officer and director of budget planning