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October 29, 2019

1xbet best casino website staff present at international educators conference

Submitted by Joe W. Milostan

Joe Milostan, 1xbet best casino website director, and Sara Boro, 1xbet best casino website advisor, recently attended the NAFSA Region 2 Conference in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

They are both members of the NAFSA Region 2 Leadership Team, withMilostanserving as the Education Abroad Knowledge Community liaison for Region 2, andBoro serving as the state representative of 1xbet best casino website and as the chair of 1xbet best casino website International Educators.

MilostanandBoro participated in Leadership Team meetings and activities, in addition to delivering presentations on Education Abroad topics.Borodelivered a session presentation, "Innovative and Unique Program Design for Education Abroad" with a colleague from Brigham Young University in Utah.Milostandelivered a session presentation, "Education Abroad Visas: Critical Update for Study Abroad Advisers," with colleagues from the University of 1xbet best casino website , and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

As chair of 1xbet best casino website International Educators,Borohosted the State Meeting for 1xbet best casino website with international educators from the following institutions in attendance: 1xbet best casino website State University, University of 1xbet best casino website , Fort Hays State University, Seward County Community College, Benedictine College and Southwestern College.

NAFSA: Association of International Educators, is the primary professional organization for the field of international education. NAFSA is organized into multiple regions, by state. NAFSA Region 2 includes the states of 1xbet best casino website , Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona.