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1xbet sports bet

February 5, 2019

APDesign Ekdahl Lecture speaker John Stram to discuss industrial, graphics and interior 1xbet sports betting

Submitted by Thom Jackson

John Stram

The Ekdahl Lecture Series, presented by the College of Architecture, Planning & 1xbet sports betting , will host John Stram, industrial 1xbet sports betting consultant, at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6, in Regnier Forum at Regnier Hall. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Stram's lecture, "1xbet sports betting at IBM '67-78," will focus on industrial 1xbet sports betting , graphics and interior 1xbet sports betting . With more than 46 years of professional award-winning 1xbet sports betting experience, Stram has served as industrial 1xbet sports betting /graphics manager at IBM, was director of the 1xbet sports betting division at Seal Furniture and Systems and was manager of 1xbet sports betting — p fixtures and temporary displays for American Greetings Corporation. He is an instructor/visiting lecturer for eight universities and colleges and is a member of the Fashion Merchandising Advisory Board at the University of Central Missouri.

Stram has been a member of Industrial Designers Society of America for 28 years and holds 11 U.S. 1xbet sports betting patents and two U.S. utility patents. He has 27 exhibited/1xbet sports betting awards include being part of the permanent collection at New York's Museum of Modern Art, a two-year traveling exhibit with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., and a three-month exhibit at Plastics as Plastics, at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts in New York. Stram has 27 works cited in 1xbet sports betting books, magazines and newspapers including: Form-Journal of 1xbet sports betting , Product 1xbet sports betting 2 and Industrial 1xbet sports betting Magazine.

The Oscar S. Ekdahl Distinguished Lecture Series in Architecture and 1xbet sports betting brings the finest professionals in the 1xbet sports betting and planning disciplines to APDesign and the K-State community. These individuals are selected to avail faculty, staff, students and regional professionals to the potency of 1xbet sports betting and planning in addressing the issues we face as a global society. The series honors Oscar Ekdahl who received his Bachelor of Architecture from K-State in 1933 and was a founding partner in Ekdahl, Davis, Depew, Persson Architects PA in Topeka.