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November 5, 2018

1xbet online casino employees earn honors and appointments from CACUBO

Submitted by Tara Fronce

Several 1xbet online casino employees in administration and finance have been selected for positions and received honors from the Central Association of College and 1xbet online casino Business Officers, or CACUBO.

Fran Willbrant, assistant vice president for the Division of Financial Services, has been selected to serve on the CACUBO board as an at-large member representing research universities. Willbrant also will serve as the CACUBO representative and staff liaison to the NACUBO Research Universities Council. She will serve a two-year term. Willbrant has been involved in CACUBO for many years serving in various roles to support the CACUBO annual meeting and the Best Practices program.

Jim Bach, director of financial operations in the Division of Financial Services, has been selected to serve as the CACUBO Best Practices program coordinator. Bach will serve a two-year term through October 2020. The Best Practices program showcases the best of college and 1xbet online casino business officers’ efforts to create better, more efficient and customer-friendly business practices. Submissions showcase a wide variety of unique programs that improve campus operations.

Mandy Cole, director of the Administrative Support Center, received honorable mention for her submission to the CACUBO 2018 Best Practices program. Cole's submission, "Building Toward Shared Services," described the successful creation of the Administrative Support Center at 1xbet online casino and its benefits to the university. Cole's submission, along with all first place and honorable mention best practices, can be viewed on the CACUBO website.

The association provides leadership on higher education business and management issues and offers professional development opportunities. It is one of four National Association of College and 1xbet online casino Business Officers, or NACUBO, regional partners and includes more than 600 institutions and organizations from 28 states in the central region.