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  4. »Highlights from the June 12 Faculty 1xbet online casino meeting

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June 20, 2018

Highlights from the June 12 Faculty 1xbet online casino meeting

Submitted by Faculty 1xbet online casino

These are the highlights from the June 12 Faculty 1xbet online casino meeting. Minutes become available on the Faculty 1xbet online casino website as they are approved.

President-electTanya González, on behalf of Faculty 1xbet online casino , presented plaques to Provost April Mason and Senior Vice Provost Ruth Dyer for their service to Kansas State University.

Guest: Provost April Mason discussed with senators the hire of Charles Taber and the transition plan for the provost's office with his arrival in mid-August. She touched on the budget modernization process and transition. She also shared reflections on her time here at 1xbet online casino and thanked senators for their dedication and has deeply enjoyed the work accomplished together.

Guest: Dean Lori Goetsch, 1xbet online casino Libraries, gave a report to senators of the work being done to restore the library and materials. Interlibrary loans will be heavily used for a number of months."Ask a Librarian" is operating and staff will be available to come and speak to classes in the fall if requested.

Guest: Rob Caffey, representingChief Information Officer Gary Pratt, updated senators on IT issues due to the fire in the library. There is still no power to Hale Library and the Data Center. They are currently using a backup generator and a backup to that generator. A committee is vetting all technology-related work requests 1xbet online casino campus community. They will categorize and prioritize work requests into those that need immediate attention and those that can be scheduled later.

President-elect González thanked and applauded the work of the library and IT staff during this very difficult situation.

Standing committee and Student 1xbet online casino reports:

  • Academic Affairs: Changes to the Reinstatement Policy in the University Handbook, Section F103 were approved.
  • 1xbet online casino Affairs: Proposed revisions to University Handbook, Section C53.3, 63.3, 112.5, and 152.5 related to tenure and promotion documentation were approved.
  • Professional Staff Affairs: No report.
  • Student 1xbet online casino : Looking into revamping of the ATA bus system to accommodate students' needs. Looking at ways to strengthen community relations with the campus. The Tuitions and Fees Strategies committee has made new committee assignments. In addition, SafeRide is undergoing a review for a name change.
  • Technology, FSCOT: No report.
  • University Planning, FSCOUP: No report.

New Business

  • An honorary degree candidate was approved for the December 2018 commencement.


  • Appointments and recommendations for Faculty 1xbet online casino and Presidential Committees and Councils were completed.
  • Sonya Britt-Lutter was appointed as the new ombudsperson and will serve a three-year term starting in fall 2018.
  • The May KBOR report was discussed. There was deep concern over the Strategic Program Alignment discussion that occurred at the May KBOR meeting. A letter from Faculty 1xbet online casino will be sent to President Myers, Provost Mason and Provost-designate Taber regarding those concerns.

Open discussion period

  • There was an inquiry about the status of requests sent to the board for degrees more than 120 credit hours. Those specific requests will be reviewed at the June meeting.

Spencer Wood
Faculty 1xbet online casino President
Associate Professor
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
Kansas State University
213 Waters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506