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  4. »1xbet online games login School requests funding proposals for new 1xbet online games login programs

K-State Today

May 10, 2018

1xbet online games login School requests funding proposals for new 1xbet online games login programs

Submitted by Grant Guggisberg

K-State 1xbet online games login School is accepting proposals for the development and scheduling of new and innovative programs for 1xbet online games login 2019. The deadline to submit a proposal is set for Sept. 21.

Summer School's grant-funding 1xbet online games login provides the opportunity for faculty, departments, colleges and other university units to develop new and innovative programs for summer.

Programs seeking funding to create new offerings or serve new audiences during the 1xbet online games login semester should meet one of two criteria:

  • Recruitment of new students/new audiences to the university.
  • Retention — and progression to degree — of existing students.

Some examples of a recruitment 1xbet online games login for new students or new audiences include an engagement 1xbet online games login for high school students centered on a field or major prior to choosing a college or degree path, or a standalone certificate or standalone minor to professionals or students from other institutions.

A good example of a 1xbet online games login created with the intent to improve retention of students at the university is a bridge or transition 1xbet online games login designed to onboard new freshmen or transfer students the summer before their first fall. These programs may be partially on campus and partially online. The 1xbet online games login may have credit course offerings, additional programming beyond credit courses, and a wide range of purposes. They may serve a particular target audience — e.g. underrepresented students, first-generation students.

As proposals are developed, we ask that you indicate not only what the funds will cover the first year, but how the 1xbet online games login will become self-supporting in future years. Once development has occurred, how will you continue to fund the 1xbet online games login ?

The priority submission deadline is Sept. 21 for programs to be offered in 1xbet online games login 2019. Review of the proposals will occur in early October, and departments will be notified of funded programs by mid-October.

Proposals should be submitted electronically using the online form. Upload your completed and signed cover letter at the bottom of the form.

K-State Summer School will provide marketing and logistical assistance in the implementation of the new programs. However, we request that you provide a general sense of the market potential of the 1xbet online games login you are developing — giving the scope of who the 1xbet online games login will benefit/interest — in your cover letter.

Applications also must include a cover letter, which addresses:

  • 1xbet online games login objectives.
  • Potential impact.
  • Relationship of the 1xbet online games login to college or university strategic goals.
  • Benchmarks for measuring success of the 1xbet online games login .
  • Enrollment caps — if any — and frequency of offering the 1xbet online games login .
  • A general sense of the market potential of the 1xbet online games login — giving the scope of who the 1xbet online games login will benefit/interest.
  • How the 1xbet online games login will become self-supporting in future years.
  • Approval signatures from the department head, dean and principal investigator(s).

For more information, please contact Jo Maseberg-Tomlinson, 1xbet online games login school coordinator, at 785-532-2570 or jam4545@k-state.edu.