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K-State Today

February 15, 2018

Kansas Board of Regents Feb. 14 meeting updates

Submitted by Division of Communications and Marketing

The monthly Kansas Board of Regents meeting on Feb. 14 included the following items related to 1xbet online games login .

Introduction and reports

April Mason, provost and senior vice president, introduced Karen Pedersen, new dean of K-State Global Campus, to the board.

President Richard Myers gave a report from the Council of Presidents and shared several updates.

Brian Lindshield, associate professor of food, nutrition dietetics and health, presented as chair of the Council of Faculty Senate Presidents, shared updates on the 120 hours process and alternative math pathways.

Jack Ayres, president of the Student Governing Association, presented as chair of the board's Students' Advisory Committee. He discussed Higher Education Day at the State Capitol on Feb. 7 and shared that student body presidents met with house and senate leaders and the governor to discuss funding and other topics.

Myers also updated the board on the provost search, a partnership with Salina and Kansas State Polytechnic's Global Aviation Initiative, and shared the Influence Tomorrow video about K-State research.


Blake Flanders, president and CEO of the Kansas Board of Regents, presented the Foresight 2020  progress report. Foresight 2020 is a 10-year strategic agenda for the state's public higher education system. Its goals are to increase higher education attainment, improve economic alignment and ensure state university excellence.

Mason presented on faculty career development and focused on the first five themes of K-State's 2025 Visionary Plan: Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities, and Discovery; Undergraduate Educational Experience; Graduate Scholarly Experience; Engagement, Extension, Outreach, and Service; and Faculty and Staff.