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January 18, 2018

CVM 1xbet online games login journey to Tanzania for third workshop in OIE Veterinary Education Twinning Project

Submitted by Joe Montgomery

CVM faculty visit Sokoine University in Tanzania

In November and December 2017, six Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine 1xbet online games login and staff had the opportunity to visit Sokoine University of Agriculture, orSUA, and its College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Tanzania as part of a World Organisation of Animal Health, or OIE, Veterinary Education Twinning Project between the two colleges.

The goal of this project is to promote partnerships between universities that lead to exchange of ideas and opportunities, which ensure future veterinarians are prepared for challenges in promoting global animal and public health.

During this most recent workshop in Tanzania, 1xbet online games login from K-State and SUA discussed a variety of topics and project activities that promote these goals. Among these topics were curriculum, continuing education, research collaborations, student and 1xbet online games login exchanges, and equine medicine lectures and practical exercises. Peggy Schmidt, Katie Delph, Katie Reif, Mike Sanderson and Tesfaalem Sebhatu and project administrator Rachel Reichenberger represented K-State during this workshop.

Schmidt presented a curriculum review matrix developed for mapping 1xbet online games login curriculum to the OIE's "Day 1" competency standards. These standards consist of skills and knowledge recommended for graduating veterinarians to have in order to support their national 1xbet online games login services. The tool developed by Schmidt will be used to identify curricular gaps related to the OIE Day 1 Competencies at SUA.

"I had extensively reviewed documentation of SUA's BVS curriculum prior to our visit in November, but paper cannot capture the heart of a veterinary training program,"Schmidt said. "Touring the facilities, speaking with 1xbet online games login , and interacting with students really brought their program to life. The OIE Veterinary Twinning Project is a wonderful opportunity for programs SUA and K-State to learn from each other, and in the end, enhance student training at both institutions."

The curriculum mapping results are expected by the end of 2018, and SUA 1xbet online games login will conduct a gap analysis from these results.

Another goal of the project is for SUA to host a continuing education course in 2019 that will promote the development of a robust continuing education program for Tanzanian veterinarians. Sanderson chaired the discussion between SUA 1xbet online games login to plan for this course.

During the workshop, participants considered other potential activities and collaborations for the twinning program. Reif assisted in the development of a matrix outlining mutual research interests amongst 1xbet online games login at both universities.

"The overwhelming collective goal of researchers at K-State and SUA is to identify innovative solutions to combat global health challenges,"Reif said. "With several shared areas of research interest including: vector-borne and transboundary animal diseases, antimicrobial resistance, neurodegenerative diseases and several others, there are numerous opportunities for K-State and SUA 1xbet online games login to engage in collaborative research projects. Leveraging combined resources, research partnerships between both colleges would readily benefit from: access to unique sample material, access to specialized equipment and infrastructure, exchange of expertise, and student and 1xbet online games login training opportunities. Personally, I am very excited to develop a research collaboration with SUA 1xbet online games login and have plans to submit a joint research proposal on combating tick-borne diseases of livestock this spring."

Details of student and 1xbet online games login exchanges were also discussed at the workshop. Exchanges at both universities are included as part of the Twinning Project to promote student learning in different environments.

Because equine medicine had been identified by SUA 1xbet online games login as an area of interest, Delph provided relevant lectures and practical experiences for the Tanzanian students. Her lectures also provided a foundation to help SUA 1xbet online games login enhance this area of expertise.

"It was my pleasure to teach the fourth-year 1xbet online games login students at SUA during the Twinning Project,"Delph said. "Working donkeys make up a large part of the equid population in Tanzania, and the 1xbet online games login students were extremely receptive to learning and practicing equine medicine."

She added, "Training veterinary students in equine medicine and husbandry will help to improve donkey health and welfare in the country through owner education. It will be exciting to help train SUA 1xbet online games login members so that this information can be implemented in the curriculum for future classes and be a benefit to their communities."

Work is scheduled to continue on each of these activities for the next few months, and progress will be assessed at the next project workshop to be hosted at the 1xbet online games login College of Veterinary Medicine in summer 2018.