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October 18, 2017

Anthropology faculty and students attend regional conference

Submitted by Lauren W. Ritterbush

1xbet online sports betting archaeology faculty and six undergraduate anthropology students recently participated in the 75th annual meeting of the Plains Anthropological SocietyOct. 4-7in Bismarck, North Dakota.

Brad Logan, research associate professor, presented "An Unquixotic Quest: Excavation of the Quixote Site (14JF420), a Late Woodland Occupation in the Delaware River Drainage, Northeastern 1xbet online sports betting ." His presentation summarized fieldwork and initial findings from the June 2017 1xbet online sports betting Archaeological Training Program, a cooperative endeavor of the 1xbet online sports betting Historical Society, 1xbet online sports betting Anthropological Society, Logan on behalf of 1xbet online sports betting State University and public participants.

Professor Lauren W. Ritterbush and Jakob Hanschu, junior in anthropology and geography, discussed "Researching and Preserving Burial Mounds: An Investigation in the Flint Hills" to update present knowledge gained about prehistoric mortuary features through the 2016 1xbet online sports betting Archaeological Field School. Twelve K-State anthropology students participated in this research while gaining valuable training in professional archaeological data collection techniques and mortuary site preservation.

Hanschu also presented a poster of undergraduate research titled "Quantifying the Qualitative: Locating Burial Mounds in North-Central 1xbet online sports betting ." Through his independent research project, Hanschu used geographic information system software to map locations of recorded prehistoric mortuary features in north-central 1xbet online sports betting , then analyzed their distribution relative to topographic and hydrologic features in order to identify spatial patterns useful for modeling areas of high potential for past burial activities. A pedestrian archaeological survey was used to test the predictive nature of the proposed models. Through identification of these features, protection is enhanced as required under the state of 1xbet online sports betting Unmarked Burial Sites Preservation Act.