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K-State Today

September 28, 2017

Division of Biology presents Katie Marshall on Sept. 29

Submitted by Division of Biology

Katie Marshall, University of Oklahoma, will present "Mechanisms of freeze 1xbet online casino : lessons from space and time" as part of the Division of Biology seminar series at 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 29, in221Ackert Hall.

The lecture will derive from the freeze 1xbet online casino that is an extreme adaptation that is found broadly across the tree of life, including several animal lineages — both invertebrate and vertebrate — as well as in many plant species. Yet many questions remain about the basic mechanisms of freeze 1xbet online casino , particularly since the classical cryoprotectant systems do not seem to correlate well with the degree of freeze 1xbet online casino . Comparing organisms both across space and time is a useful method for elucidating novel freeze 1xbet online casino mechanisms even in well-described models of freeze 1xbet online casino .

In this talk, Marshall will focus on her work on insect and intertidal invertebrate freeze 1xbet online casino . She will start by describing a novel lipid class associated with freeze 1xbet online casino in the goldenrod gall fly and its seasonal dynamics associated with the acquisition of freeze 1xbet online casino . Marshall will describe omics approaches coupled with exploitation of spatial heterogeneity in degree of freeze 1xbet online casino for novel hypothesis generation in freeze 1xbet online casino in intertidal mussels and barnacles. While there does not appear to be a single mechanism for freeze 1xbet online casino , it appears to be a readily evolvable trait in which many of the same major biochemical players repeatedly appear.

If you would like to visit with Marshall, please contact Ted Morgan at tjmorgan@k-state.edu.