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K-State Today

September 20, 2017

Kansas State University taking over production of One 1xbet online games login Newsletter, the go-to source for One 1xbet online games login news

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

The One 1xbet online games login Newsletter, a highly successful publication with contacts worldwide, will now be produced at Kansas State 1xbet online games login .

One 1xbet online games login refers to the interconnections between human, animal and environmental 1xbet online games login .

The newsletter was initiated in 2008 by the Florida Department of 1xbet online games login and published through the winter 2014. It was then transitioned to the University of Florida's Emerging Pathogens Institute, which published it until 2017. The first Kansas State University-developed edition of the One 1xbet online games login Newsletter is scheduled for release in October, in advance of International One 1xbet online games login Day on Nov. 3.

"The One 1xbet online games login Initiative autonomous pro bono team collaborated with both former outstanding One 1xbet online games login Newsletter publishers and is delighted to continue associating with our longstanding friends and notable One 1xbet online games login colleagues at K-State," said Bruce Kaplan, contents manager/editor of the One 1xbet online games login Initiative website and co-founder of the One 1xbet online games login Initiative team/website.

Kansas State University faculty, staff and students plan to feature current issues and innovations in One Heath in each newsletter, which will include three to five stories that will provide professionals and students a go-to source of One 1xbet online games login news.

The development of each edition will be guided by a faculty editorial board at Kansas State 1xbet online games login that includes Paige Adams, research assistant professor at K-State Olathe; Jean-Paul Gonzalez, deputy director of the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases; and Ellyn Mulcahy, director of the Master of Public 1xbet online games login program. Colleagues from the University of California, Davis and Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania also will participate in the editorial process, with input from invited contributors. Students at these universities will then search for and develop current and late-breaking content based on the guidance of the editorial board and contributors. The goal is to share diverse perspectives on all topics, staying true to the One 1xbet online games login mission.

"There is so much information released every day in relation to One 1xbet online games login ," said Rachel Reichenberger, program coordinator at the College of Veterinary Medicine. "With this newsletter, we plan to harness student interest as a way to scan for and highlight emerging problems and creative solutions around the globe."

"Global events such as Zika virus transmission, childhood obesity, record-breaking flooding and antibiotic resistance clearly indicate that challenges impacting human 1xbet online games login are not confined to one locale or a single species," Mulcahy said. "Our students will learn, through interdisciplinary and interprofessional training, that One 1xbet online games login issues must be addressed with transboundary and translational solutions."

Contributions from professionals around the globe are welcome and can be submitted at onehealthnewsletter@gmail.com.