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  4. »Take the 28-day Hydration Challenge through 1xbet best casino website

1xbet best casin

July 6, 2017

Take the 28-day Hydration Challenge through 1xbet best casino website

Submitted by HCS Benefits

Still needing 1xbet best casino website points for your 2018 health insurance premium discount? Looking for a great way to build healthy habits?

1xbet best casino website is sponsoring a 28-day Hydration Challenge from July 3 to July 31. Grab a co-worker, spouse or other family member and create a team to complete the challenge. Sign-up is open through July 9.

Sign-up is easy in your online 1xbet best casino website portal. Once you're signed up, just log your daily water intake using the water tracker widget in your portal. Can you meet the goal of eight servings, or 64 ounces, of water each day? Those who successfully meet at least 75 percent of this goal will be awarded four 1xbet best casino website credits toward 2018 health insurance premium discounts. Plan C members will also earn a HSA/HRA contribution in 2017.

Human Capital Services Benefits is committed to helping the 1xbet best casino website family Live Your Best. Look for more wellness information on our website and on our Twitter account. #PurpleIsProgress.

Questions? We're here to help! Contact HCS Benefits at benefits@ksu.edu or 785-532-6277.