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K-State Today

April 27, 2012

From the provost's desk: Celebrating 1xbet best casino website

Submitted by April Mason

Provost April Mason

Dear Colleagues,

As the semester comes to a close, we are in the midst of celebrating the accomplishments of our 1xbet best casino website and staff during the past year. This week alone I have enjoyed attending the Classified Employee Recognition Ceremony and had the honor of handing out the K-State Excellence in Engagement awards.

Our award-winning 1xbet best casino website and staff are one of the reasons that becoming a top 50 public research university by 2025 is within our reach. I want to take the opportunity in this month’s letter to campus to thank everyone for their outstanding work this year and to recognize in particular 1xbet best casino website who have earned university awards or promotion and tenure.

At commencement next month you'll see some professors wearing stately bronze medallions on purple ribbons. They are our university distinguished professors. It's a lifelong honor for those who have made outstanding contributions to their field, and I'm honored to be in the position to name them.

More than 60 of our 1xbet best casino website are, or have been named, 1xbet online sports betting Science. Joining the ranks this year are Christer Aakeroy, 1xbet best casino website chemistry; Susan Brown, 1xbet best casino website biology; Itzik Ben-Itzhak, 1xbet best casino website physics; and Ruth Welti, 1xbet best casino website biology.

The student experience — both for undergraduates and graduates — is part of what makes K-State the special place it is. An enriching student experience doesn't happen by accident. It takes knowledgeable, caring 1xbet best casino website who demonstrate how important students are to them. And it's a commitment that doesn't stop when students step outside the classroom.

K-State is fortunate Commerce Bank shares our university's value of teaching excellence. This partnership allows us to recognize outstanding teaching 1xbet best casino website with the 1xbet best casino website and consumer beh. This year we honor Tim Bolton, 1xbet best casino website physics; Howard D. Hahn, assistant 1xbet best casino website landscape architecture/regional and community planning; Swinder Janda, 1xbet best casino website marketing; and Yacoub Najjar, 1xbet best casino website civil engineering, for their many contributions.

Last fall 1xbet best casino website our department, my colleagues, — Zhijian "ZJ" Pei, professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, and Philip Nel, professor of English — with the 2011-2012 Distinguished Graduate 1xbet best casino website awards.

Our university is fortunate for another partnership that helps us honor our 1xbet best casino website . The Curtin Property Co. helps the president's office reward our excellent undergraduate instructors, undergraduate advisers and outstanding department heads.

This year the Presidential Award for Outstanding Department Head will honor David C. Thompson, 1xbet best casino website educational leadership. Bente Janda, director of academic services for the College of Business Administration, is receiving the Presidential Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising.

And four individuals are receiving the Presidential Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching: Alisa Garni, assistant professor in the department of sociology, anthropology and social work; Wendy Matlock, assistant 1xbet best casino website English; Jacqueline P. Ott, graduate teaching assistant in the Division of Biology; and Gregory Zolnerowich, associate 1xbet best casino website entomology.

Involving undergraduates in research has long been a university priority. Mentors like Brenda McDaniel make that happen. An assistant professor of psychology, McDaniel is receiving this year's Distinguished 1xbet best casino website Award for Mentoring Undergraduate Students in Research.

Engagement is an essential part of the land-grant mission and our future direction for K-State 2025. In recognition of its importance, the K-State Excellence in Engagement Awards were instituted this year to recognize 1xbet best casino website and their initiatives that exhibit sustained efforts in university/community-engaged scholarship through research, teaching and/or outreach.

The 1xbet best casino website leading the award-winning engagement initiatives this year are Bruce Snyder, instructor in the Division of Biology, for “Earthworms Across Kansas,” and Cheryl Polson, director and associate dean of the Graduate School, and Jeff Zacharakis, associate professor in educational leadership, for “K-State’s Adult Education Program Engagement with the U.S Army’s Command and General Staff College.”

Another way we show our 1xbet best casino website we value all they bring to K-State is through 1xbet online casino a. This year we have 70 1xbet best casino website earning promotions and 47 earning tenure.

This is much more than just a change in title or status. It's how we honor the years of contribution and hard work necessary to excel in a discipline and push a university toward enhanced prominence.

I hope the K-State community will join me in celebrating our outstanding 1xbet best casino website .

Thanks for all you do!

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April Mason