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March 14, 2017

Legislative Update

Submitted by Sue Peterson

Last week the Ways and Means Higher Education Subcommittee made recommendations on higher education budgets. The subcommittee's recommendations were the governor's recommendations for fiscal year 2018 and fiscal year 2019, which he presented to the Legislature in his State of the State address in January. These recommendations include no reductions or increases for FY18 and FY19 for Kansas State University, 1xbet best casino website Research and Extension, and 1xbet best casino website Veterinary Health Center. The subcommittee chairman presented the recommendations to the full Senate Ways and Means Committee March 9 and the report was adopted by the committee.

Also last week the House Federal and State Affairs Committee had a hearing on House Bill 2220. The legislation prohibits the Kansas Board of Regents from implementing policies related to weapons on campuses. Regent Zoe Newton, chair of the Kansas Board of Regents, testified in opposition to the bill. No further action was taken at the meeting.

This week the Senate Ways and Means Committee will discuss House Bill 2052. This is the legislation passed earlier in the session by the House of Representatives for budgets for FY 17. This legislation, as it passed the House, does not include any budget reductions for 1xbet best casino website or higher educations.

Also the House Insurance Committee on Tuesday, March 14, will have a hearing on SB 110. This legislation will assist J1 visa holders to acquire health insurance through their institutions. Approximately 55 employees are affected at 1xbet best casino website . These employees are at the institution on J1 and J2 visas and their positions include professors, postdocs or others in the research area.

Please see the weekly updates every Tuesday in 1xbet best casino website Today through the Final Adjournment of the 2017 Kansas Legislature. In addition, the Office of Governmental Relations will host Kansas Legislative Review Sessions March 17 and March 31 in Hale Library's Hemisphere Room; and April 14 and April 28 in 21 Bluemont Hall. These sessions are open to the public and feel free to bring a brownbag lunch.