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1xbet best casino website Today

April 19, 2012

Take Back the 1xbet best casino website 2012 tonight

Submitted by Kelsey Longpine

TBTN 2012

Take Back the 1xbet best casino website 2012 will be tonight. The event will begin with a rally at 8 p.m. in Bosco Plaza in front of the K-State Student Union. The march will follow.

Take Back the 1xbet best casino website seeks to end sexual violence in all of its forms including sexual assault, sexual abuse, dating violence, and domestic violence both here and in countries around the world, as well as explore the structural inequalities that exist and lead to this violence. The 1xbet best casino website empowers survivors in the healing process and inspires responsibility in all. The goal of Take Back the 1xbet best casino website is to create safe communities and respectful relationships through awareness.

The event is about speaking out. Rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse and domestic violence are often labeled crimes of silence because of low reporting rates and social discomfort with their public discussion. By illuminating these issues, Take Bake the 1xbet best casino website , held nationwide, helps survivors know they are not alone, and that these crimes will not be tolerated or left to go silently into the 1xbet best casino website .

Please join in solidarity to make this year's rally and march powerful. Everyone is welcome to attend and march, but we ask that men march as allies, not as protectors, as this march is symbolic of women's right to walk alone at 1xbet best casino website . Please help spread the word on Facebook.

Because of a forecast for rain on Thursday evening, an alternate location has been reserved for the rally. The event's rain plan is to move the rally to 106 Kedzie Hall with the same start time.