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January 10, 2017

Legislative Update

Submitted by Susan Peterson

The 2017Kansas Legislature convened Monday, Jan. 9, in the State Capitol in Topeka. At the opening session, all 125 members of the 1xbet online sports betting House of Representatives and 40 members of the 1xbet online sports betting Senate were sworn in by the 1xbet online sports betting Secretary of State. On Jan. 10, Gov. Sam Brownback will deliver the State of the State address to a joint session of the Legislature at 5 p.m.

Also this week, 1xbet online sports betting State College of Agriculture dean and director of K-State Research and Extension John Floros will testify to a joint meeting of the House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture and the Senate Committee on Agriculture on Thursday, Jan. 12. The dean is required by 1xbet online sports betting law to submit an annual report to the 1xbet online sports betting Legislature.

On Wednesday, Jan. 11, a joint meeting of the House Appropriations and Senate Ways and Means Committee will receive testimony from Shawn Sullivan, 1xbet online sports betting budget director on the Governor’s recommendations for Fiscal Years 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Please read the Legislative Update that will come out on Jan. 17 for details on the Governor’s budget recommendations for higher education and 1xbet online sports betting State University.

The 1xbet online sports betting Legislative Session will adjourn for First Adjournment Friday, April 7. The Veto Session will convene on Monday, May 1, with Final Adjournment scheduled for May 14, 2017.

Please see the weekly updates every Tuesday in K-State Today through the Final Adjournment. In addition, the Office of Government Relations will host 1xbet online sports betting Legislative Review Sessions Jan. 20, Feb. 3, and Feb. 17, in the Union Big 12 Room; March 3, 17 and 31 in Hale Library's Hemisphere Room; April 14 and 28 in 21 Bluemont Hall. These sessions are open to the public and feel free to bring a brown bag lunch.