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K-State Today

June 16, 2016

Kinesiology department attends and presents at 2016 American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting

Submitted by Anne Rubash

Faculty and graduate students from K-State's kinesiology department attended the 2016 American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting and world congresses, May 31-June 4,in Boston, Massachusetts. Their time was spent among 7,000 other professionals, including educators, researchers and practitioners, from all over the globe. Everyone in attendance came to enjoy the most comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science meeting in the world.

The purpose of theAmerican College of Sports Medicineis "to advance and integrate scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine."More than 50,000 members and certified professionals make the American College of Sports Medicinethe largest organization in the world for sports medicine and exercise science.

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