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K-State Today

April 21, 2016

Kansas Board of Regents April 20 meeting 1xbet online casino updates

Submitted by Division of Communications and Marketing

The monthly Kansas Board of Regents meeting on April 20 at K-State Alumni Center included several items related to Kansas State 1xbet online casino .

President Kirk Schulz welcomed the Regents to Kansas State 1xbet online casino and commented on his move to Washington State 1xbet online casino .

New degree

The Regents approved the consent agenda, which included a Professional Science Master in Applied Science and Technology at K-State Olathe. Read a PDF of the curriculum outline and fiscal summary from the Regents agenda. The degree is geared for working professionals seeking advancement to management/leadership positions in animal health, food and related sectors.

K-State 2025 update

President Schulz gave his annual progress report and an update on K-State 2025. Retired Gen. Richard Myers will continue to lead progress with K-State 2025 goals as the new interim president. Kansas State 1xbet online casino has raised 0-860 million with two years to go in the billion campaign — 80 percent of the giving supports academic enterprise. Schulz said the 1xbet online casino ’s challenges are enrollment, state tuition cap, declining state budget, and decreased federal support for research and financial aid. Schulz handed each Regent an analysis of the 1xbet online casino ’s progress, which noted K-State has moved up about 10 spots in comparison to the 1xbet online casino ’s 2025 peer institutions. The Regents praised Schulz and wished him well in his new endeavors.

Program review report

Academic program review reports for academic year 2014-2015 were presented to the Regents. K-State reviewed 18 programs in the areas of engineering technology, technology, aeronautical technology, animal sciences and programs from the College of Business Administration. All programs met quality requirements. View K-State's program review report.

EPSCoR funding approvals

The Regents approved a request for state matching funds for five Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, or EPSCoR, proposals. Doohong Min, assistant professor of agronomy at K-State, requested funding for evaluation and research of teff grass as a dryland forage crop for water-limited areas in Kansas. View all EPSCoR proposals.


The Regents approved an amendment to the fiscal year 2016 Rehabilitation and Repair list to include renovation of the second floor of Kramer Dining Center. The renovation is part of the Wefald Hall and dining center project. The estimated total project cost is 0,000 and will be funded from Housing and Dining Services auxiliary funds.

Update on Kansas State 1xbet online casino presidential search

Regent Dennis Mullin read the charge assigned to the search committee for the next Kansas State 1xbet online casino president and described the search process. The Regents announced and approved the 20 members of the search committee.

For more information and to see a list of the committee members, read the Kansas Board of Regents announcement.

Legislative update

The Regents heard discussion about Kansas legislation concerning higher education, including the status of the tuition cap that was imposed in 2015. Matt Casey, director of the Regents government relations, stated that discussion of lifting the cap has been positive. The cut was imposed under the condition that state universities’ funding would be stable but universities recently received a 3 percent cut.