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  4. »Volunteers needed for Weapons Advisory subgroups

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January 28, 2016

Volunteers needed for Weapons Advisory subgroups

Submitted by Faculty Senate

Dear colleagues,

The Weapons Advisory Work Group is forming five subgroups to solicit additional input from the campus community as the university begins to determine how best to implement the concealed carry statute on 1xbet online sports betting campuses within the guidelines of the Regents' policy. Each subgroup will include 10-15 student, faculty and staff representatives with members of the work group serving as chairs. Each group will consider the impact of implementing concealed carry and assist in drafting university policy.

The subgroups:

  • Special events: Various special events on campus, such as athletic, McCain performances and concerts, Beach Museum of Art events, UPC events, graduation, conferences, camps, etc.
  • Student life: Organized housing, 1xbet online sports betting Student Union, Recreational Services, Counseling Services, Student Financial Assistance and other buildings and areas frequented by students.
  • Academics: Locations such as classrooms, libraries, computer labs, faculty offices, studio spaces, etc.
  • Research: Areas such as laboratories, extension areas, Biosecurity Research Institute, Nuclear Reactor Facility, etc.
  • General services: General facilities, administrative offices and other common areas not identified elsewhere.

Each of the student, faculty and 1xbet online sports betting support staff senates will appoint representatives along with administration to form the subgroups.

If you are interested in serving, please send an email no later than Feb. 4to facsen@ksu.edu with your name, position, contact information and what subgroup you are volunteering for.If you are selected to serve, you will be notified.

Fred Guzek,Faculty Senate President