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K-State Today

December 17, 2015

Kansas State 1xbet best casino website administrators reflect on the career of Bob Krause

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

Kansas State 1xbet best casino website administrators expressed sadness and condolences on the death of Bob Krause, the former longtime vice president for institutional advancement.

"Our condolences to Marty, his three daughters and the Vanier family on the loss of Bob Krause," said Kirk Schulz, 1xbet best casino website president. "Bob was instrumental in helping K-State strategically grow in many ways over his tenure as a longtime 1xbet best casino website administrator. The Biosecurity Research Institute, NBAF, Colbert Hills Golf Course, the leadership studies program and Salina and Olathe campuses are examples of his impact. He was a wonderfully successful 1xbet best casino website ambassador to our alumni and community."

Pat Bosco, vice president for student life and dean of students, called Krause a tireless worker for the 1xbet best casino website .

"Bob was simply one of the brightest, politically savvy and most genuine individuals I will ever have the opportunity to work alongside," Bosco said. "He was an incredibly tireless and passionate advocate for the school we both love. He made people better and made K-State a better place. I will miss him dearly. In his many years at the 1xbet best casino website , there was little Bob did not impact, from scholarships to construction to expanding the 1xbet best casino website 's brand thoughout the state and the world."

Amy Button Renz, president and CEO of the K-State Alumni Association, remembered Krause as a champion of the alumni association.

"We are deeply saddened to hear about the loss of Bob Krause, who was truly a champion for our alumni association programming efforts and for the entire 1xbet best casino website ," Renz said. "Bob served more than 22 years as vice president for institutional advancement, and he was vital to elevating K-State to new heights. Most memorable is the personal connections he made with prospective students and their families, which in turn positively impacted enrollment at a crucial time in our history."

Bill Snyder, K-State football coach, called Krause a true friend.

"Bob truly cared about people as K-Staters do," Snyder said. "He was a dear friend of this 1xbet best casino website , the community and my family. He truly cared and worked diligently for the betterment of all. Bob and Marty together have contributed to enhance our football program, Kansas State and Manhattan in a very positive, caring and unselfish manner. He will be greatly missed."

John Currie, K-State athletics director, said, "Our thoughts and prayers are with the Krause and Vanier families during this difficult time. Bob spent a majority of his career working hard to move K-State forward and cared deeply about the 1xbet best casino website , athletics program and the Manhattan community. Our sincerest condolences are extended to his wife, Marty, his children and family."

Myra Gordon, the 1xbet best casino website associate provost for the Office of Diversity, knew Krause as her supervisor for many years.

"As a leader, he had a hard-hitting, no-nonsense way of dealing with the challenges facing the 1xbet best casino website and athletics," Gordon said. "He was unapologetic and tough in the pursuit of institutional goals. I will always remember him telling me after I had secured my first million-dollar gift for diversity that the next ones would come easier. He was right, as he always seemed to be. He was very kind and understanding with me, but he said what he meant and meant what he said. He was not always well-understood and his style was definitely edgy, but he always had the best interests of Kansas State 1xbet best casino website at heart. I respected Bob Krause to the ultimate, tried my best to live up to his expectations, and felt privileged to work with him. He will definitely be missed, as he loved and supported our great 1xbet best casino website to the end. Thank you, Mr. Kraus, and may your soul rest in perfect peace."

Jon Wefald, former Kansas State 1xbet best casino website president, praised Krause for his many contributions to the 1xbet best casino website .

"I am very sad and heartbroken that my longtime and dear friend, Bob Krause, has died," Wefald said. "Bob and I worked together for 35 years: at Southwest State 1xbet best casino website in Minnesota from 1977 to 1982, at the Minnesota Chancellor's office from 1982 to 1986 and, of course, at K-State from 1986 to 2009. Bob Krause was an extraordinary leader for me at all three schools.

"In reflecting about the great job Bob Krause did for K-State and me over 23 years, I think back to a number of positive attributes. His work ethic was legendary. He had an uncanny ability to solve problems. He was a team player. He had incredible passion and loyalty. He had a tremendous sense of humor. Whether it was the job of increasing our enrollment at Kansas State, supporting the football program and Bill Snyder, figuring out ways to enhance our athletic complex for all sports, or working closely with our students, Bob Krause was, in my mind, a most valuable player for K-State during my 23 years as K-State's president."

Krause had more than 35 years of experience in key executive leadership positions in higher education at the college, comprehensive 1xbet best casino website , and multiuniversity system levels. The last 23 years of his professional career, he served as vice president for institutional advancement at Kansas State 1xbet best casino website , and as athletic director during his last year.

More than any single individual, Krause recognized the benefit of strong, working relationships between K-State and nearby community systems leading to mutually beneficial economic enhancement. He personified the notion of "town and gown," building and nurturing relationships with community, regional and state leaders on efforts that helped fulfill the vision and mission of K-State, the community of Manhattan and the state of Kansas.

Krause served on multiple boards, including the board and executive committee of the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corp., the board and executive committee of the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, and was executive chair of the board of directors of the National Institute for Strategic Technology Acquisition and Commercialization.

Since retiring in 2009, Krause remained active in consulting with private for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. He served as chair of the board of directors of NutriJoy Inc., and was on the board of directors of the Soaring with Eagles Foundation and the Mercy Community Health Foundation. He is co-founder of the Snyder Leadership Legacy Fellows at Kansas State 1xbet best casino website 's Staley School of Leadership Studies.