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K-State Today

December 15, 2015

Recent publications and presentations by English department faculty, students

Submitted by Karin Westman

During the past three months, faculty and students in the English department 1xbet sports betting following 20 works:

Traci Brimhall, assistant 1xbet sports betting , published the essay "Post-Mortem"in the journal Brevity 50, fall 2015.

Brimhall also 1xbet sports betting poems, "Bedtime Story with Goodnight Moon & CNN," "Halliday Lullaby" and "Mystery, Play" in Narrative magazineon Oct. 27, and the poem "In Which the Chorus Acts Out the Entire Story" in the journal Greensboro Review 15, 2015, pages 88-89.

Mark Crosby, assistant 1xbet sports betting , published "The Lamentations of Catherine Blake" in the journal Huntington Library Quarterly 78.3, 2015, pages 479-91.

Daniel Hoyt, associate 1xbet sports betting , and graduate students Carrie Cook (M.A. '15), Heather Sue Etelamaki (M.A. '15), Hunter Gilson, (M.A. '16), Melissa Hammond (M.A. '14), Charley Hobbs (M.A. '15), and J.C. Petterson (M.A. '16), published "The Bridge: A Short-Short with Seven Endings" in the journal New South 8.2, 2015, pages 18-21.

Hoyt also 1xbet sports betting short story "The Inevitable" in the journal The Sun, December 2015, pages 16-22.

Katherine Karlin, associate 1xbet sports betting , published the essay "I Went to Meet The Woman Who Has Taken My Place in My Best Friend's Life" in the journal xojane, Sept. 21, 2015.

Karlin also 1xbet sports betting film review "Manhattan" in the journal Kansas History 38.2, 2015, pages 134-35.

Anne Longmuir, associate 1xbet sports betting , and colleague Lee Behlman published "Victorian Literature: Criticism and Debates," London: Routledge, 2016.

Jim Machor, 1xbet sports betting , and colleague Amy Blair published "Editor's Introduction" in the journal Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History 7, 2015, pages 1-3.

Philip Nel, university distinguished 1xbet sports betting , published "A Manifesto for Children's Literature; or, Reading Harold as a Teenager" in the journal The Iowa Review 45.2, fall 2015, pages 87-92.

Nel also published "Sendak, Maurice Bernard" in "American National Biography," Oxford UP, October 2015, and "Innocent Children and Frightened Adults: Why Censorship Fails" in From the Square: The NYU Press Blog on Sept. 30, 2015.

Tosha Sampson-Choma, assistant 1xbet sports betting , published "Come Dine At My Table: The Enactment of Safe Spaces within the Cookbooks of Maya Angelou" in the College Language Association Journal 58.1-2, pages 105-117.

Joe Sutliff Sanders, associate 1xbet sports betting , published "Valentine, Mobile Comics, and Participatory Readers" in the essay collection, "On the Edge of the Panel: A Collection of Essays on Comics," ed. Esther Claudio Moreno and Julio Cañero, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, pages 174-194.

Sanders also published "Hergé and the Perils of Archival Research" in The Eaton Journal of Archival Research in Science Fiction 3.1, 2015.

Robert Sanders, graduate student (M.A. '16), 1xbet sports betting poem "Home Economics" in the journal Matter 13, 2015.

Han Yu, 1xbet sports betting , published, "The Other Kind of Funnies: Comics in Technical Communication" (Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing, 2015).

Faculty and students in the English department also 1xbet sports betting the following 18 conference papers, invited talks and readings:

TraciBrimhall read with Hadara Bar-Nadav at The Writer's Place in Kansas City, Missouri, on Oct. 2.

Brimhall also 1xbet sports betting "Arctic Lullaby and Other Poems" at the Frostic Reading Series in Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on Nov. 19.

Steffi Dippold, assistant 1xbet sports betting , presented "After the Purge: Miscellaneous Medicines and the Survival of a Mohawk Vomiting Stick" at the History of Science Society meeting in San Francisco, California, on Nov. 20.

Don Hedrick, 1xbet sports betting , presented "The Invention of Affect: the Construction of Boredom-Labor" at the Affect Theory conference at Millersville University in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Oct. 17.

KatherineKarlin 1xbet sports betting "Digitizing the Learning Tree" at the 12th annual Gordon Parks Celebration in Fort Scott, Kansas, on Oct. 23.

Mary Kohn, assistant 1xbet sports betting , and Anna Ladd (B.A. '16, anthropology) presented "'Kansas Speaks: 5 After-school Program Days of Linguistics Education for 10-year-olds, via 4-H's SPIN Program," at Northview Elementary in Manhattan, Kansas, on Sept. 17 and 24; and Oct. 1, 8 and 15.

Kohn and Carly Stithem (M.A. '16) 1xbet sports betting "The Third Vowel Shift in Kansas: A Supra-Regional Shift with Regional Variation" at the conference NWAV 44: New Ways of Analyzing Language Variation in Toronto, Canada, on Oct. 25.

Longmuir 1xbet sports betting "Preached to Death by a Mad Governess" at the Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States in Denver, Colorado, on Oct. 22.

Machor 1xbet sports betting "Interpretation, Genre, and the Public and Private Responses to The Prince and the Pauper in Postbellum America and Britain" at the Reception Study Society sixth Biennial Conference at Indiana University-Purdue University in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on Sept. 26.

Phillip Marzluf, associate 1xbet sports betting , presented "Linguistic Landscapes Research and Mongolian Urban Publics" at the Central Eurasian Studies Society Conference in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 16.

Nel 1xbet sports betting "Hurricane Katrina, Racial Invisibility, and Fantastic Flying Books: The Aestheticization of Misery in William Joyce" at the American Studies Association Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on Oct. 11.

Kara Northway, associate 1xbet sports betting , with colleagues Pam Bromley and Eliana Schonberg presented,"What Do We Mean by 'Identity' in the Writing Center?: Student Voices Reveal Wide-Ranging Definitions and Unforeseen Impacts" at the International Writing Centers Association Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Oct. 9.

Anne Phillips, associate 1xbet sports betting , presented "The Long Winter in Conversation with 'Giants in the Earth'" at the Society for the Study of American Women Writers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Nov. 6.

Sanders, Sampson-Choma and Lisa Tatonetti, 1xbet sports betting , presented "The Evolution of Diversity: Revising Student Learning Outcomes" at the Institute for Student Learning Assessment in Manhattan, Kansas, on Nov. 13.

Lisa Tatonetti, 1xbet sports betting , presented "The Indigenous Erotics of Riding Bareback, or, the West Has Always Been Queer" at the Western Literature Association Conference in Reno, Nevada, on Oct. 15.

Tatonetti also 1xbet sports betting "Big Moms, or, The Body As Somatic Archive" at the First Nations and Indigenous Studies conference at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on Sept. 24.

Karin Westman, associate 1xbet sports betting and department head, presented "Mind the Gap: Harry Potter and the Fantasy (of) Genre" at the fourth annual Harry Potter Conference at Chestnut Hill College in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, on Oct. 16.

Westman also 1xbet sports betting "Ebb, Flow, and Absence: A Digital Mapping of Forster's London in Howards End" for the seminar "Modernist London and the Digital Map" at the 17th annual Modernist Studies Association Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, on Nov. 20.

Naomi Wood, 1xbet sports betting , presented with colleagues Max Bush, Jane Barnette and Henry Bial on "Growing Up Grimm: The Grimm Bros. and the Uncanny Teenage Years" at the event "Uncanny Tales of Growing Up: The Grimm Brothers, Edgar Allan Poe, and E.T.A. Hoffmann" at the Lawrence Arts Center in Lawrence, Kansas, on Oct. 17.