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K-State Today

November 17, 2015

K-State geologists present at Geological Society of America meeting

Submitted by Saugata Datta

K-State geology faculty and students presented at the 2015Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Nov. 1-4 in Baltimore, Maryland.

Faculty presenters were Matthew Brueseke, Pamela Kempton, Matthew Kirk, Joel Spencer and Saugata Datta who presented multiple works from their current research with undergraduates Michael Vega, Clay Robertson, Joel Spencer and graduate students: Annastacia Maynard, Anna Downey, Kyle Marquart and Zachary Dodd.

Following are the presentations:

Mustafa Softa, Joel Q.G. Spencer, Tahir Emre, Hasan Sozbilir and Mehmet Turan, 2015, Optically stimulated luminescence and quarternary stratigraphy of marine terraces between Trabzon and Rize, Eastern Black Sea Basin, Turkey: Preliminary Results. 1xbet best casino website with Programs. Vol. 47.

A.M. Maynard, M.E. Brueseke, and R.M. Mathur, 2015, Copper isotope compositions of Cenozoic mafic rocks from the northern Great Basin and Snake River Plain (USA): 1xbet best casino website with Programs, volume 47.

C.H. Robertson, P. Kempton, M.E. Brueseke, J.M. Allaz, and T. Spencer, 2015, Petrography, geochemistry, and geothermometry of xenoliths and xenocrysts from the Fancy Creek kimberlite, Riley County, Kansas: 1xbet best casino website with Programs, volume 47.

Brueseke, M.E., Downey, A.C., Dodd, Z.C., and Hart, W.K., 2015, Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope constraints on Cenoz0ic basaltic volcanism in the upper Wind River Basin, Wyoming, USA: 1xbet best casino website with Programs, volume 47.

K.A. Marquart, B.H. Wilson, L.H. Zeglin, D.S. Vinson, T.M. Flynn, M.F. Kirk, Pathway of microbial methanogenesis varies with formation water salinity in a coalbed methane reservoir. 1xbet best casino website with Programs, volume 47.

Saugata Datta, Michael Vega, Naresh Kumar, Shovon Barua, Karen Johannesson, Pamela Kempton, Prosun Bhattacharya, Geogenic Mn in drinking waters of West Bengal, India. 1xbet best casino website with Programs, volume 47; with colleagues from Tulane, KTH Sweden and Stanford.

Numa Nahuel Sosa, Saugata Datta, Marcelo Aristide Zarate, Sedimentological control on arsenic occurrence in Claromeco River Basin (Southern Pampean PLain, Argentina).1xbet best casino website with Programs, volume 47; with colleagues from INCITAP-Argentina.

Peter S.K. Knappett, N.T. Dimova, K. Rhodes, Abrar Hossain, Mehtaz M. Lipsi, Zoe G. Nichols, Saugata Datta and Kazi Matin Ahmed. Qauntifying groundwater discharge to the Meghna River using differential gaging, radon and hydraulic gradients. 1xbet best casino website with Programs, volume 47; with colleagues from Texas A&M.

In addition to the presentations: Datta convened two sessions in the same conference: *T47. Geology and Health: A Decade of Progress and *T101. Arsenic: Source to Sustainability.