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  4. »Highlights from the June 9 Faculty 1xbet best casino website meeting

K-State Today

1xbet best casino website 16, 2015

Highlights from the June 9 Faculty 1xbet best casino website meeting

Submitted by Faculty 1xbet best casino website

Below are the highlights from the June 9, Faculty 1xbet best casino website meeting. Previous minutes are available on the Faculty 1xbet best casino website website as they are approved.


  • Provost April Mason spoke to senators about the current budget situation and what transpired with regard to the possible furloughs, which 1xbet best casino website not imposed. There was much concern and still many questions.

Consent agenda:

  • President-elect Andy Bennett presented the consent agenda to 1xbet best casino website , which was approved.

Standing committee and Student 1xbet best casino website reports:

  • Academic Affairs: Senator Teresa Hartman presented revisions to the Approval, Routing, and Notification Procedures Manual for Course and Curriculum Approvals. After background was provided on why the changes are being made, Faculty 1xbet best casino website endorsed the changes. Senator Hartman presented for approval the revisions to the current policy regarding transfer credit and credit for prior learning. This originated out of CAPP and was approved by Academic Affairs and is now before senators for approval. She provided brief background. Faculty 1xbet best casino website approved the changes, including the edit to the University Handbook, Section F76, which was necessary to change in order to comply with these revisions.
  • Faculty Affairs: Senator Betsy Cauble reported that the edits made to the approved language from 1xbet best casino website on Section C10-12 of the University Handbook for clarification purposes were finalized and a handout was given to senators for their use. This section has to do with the professional titles.
  • Professional Staff Affairs (PSA): Senator Mary Anne Andrews reported that the committee is done meeting for 1xbet best casino website year, but will continue their discussion next fall about regular vs. term appointments for professional staff. She also provided, as information, the memo regarding Climate Survey results. The request to the Climate Survey Task Force chairs was accepted and the consultant will provide an additional analysis regarding the 41 questions pertaining to professional staff. The results will be given as an addendum to what was provided and will be made available on the website with the other results of the Climate Survey.
  • FSCOT: Senator Don Crawford reported they have not met; however, he reminded senators to take advantage of the CANVAS training this summer, which is abundant. There 1xbet best casino website many questions from senators regarding this topic. Training information and progress updates can be found at http://www.k-state.edu/canvas/training/training.html.
  • FSCOUP:Senator Spencer Wood reported on their optional June meeting, which was held due to concern over the budget and possible furloughs. They were grateful on such short notice to be able to meet with Cindy Bontrager, Cheryl Johnson and Jeff Morris. Candid conversation took place about the current status of the budget and unintended consequences of the furloughs, though they were not imposed. Cheryl Johnson reported that a draft plan for how to handle these kinds of scenarios for the future will be sent to Faculty 1xbet best casino website and other shared governance bodies to review and have put in place should anything like this happen again.
  • Student 1xbet best casino website : Senator Andy Hurtig reported he and Joe Tinker will be here over the summer working on a few things such as making committee appointments, as well as beginning work on their platforms they campaigned about.


  • The ombudsperson, mediation coordinator and general grievance chair appointments 1xbet best casino website made.
  • Appointments also were made to the various Faculty 1xbet best casino website committees in need. Presidential and other university committees were not included and will therefore be worked on at a later time. Notice will go out to K-State Today about those needs when they are identified.

Discussion period for 1xbet best casino website .

  • Senator Reed gave encouragement to 1xbet best casino website to be the K-Staters we are known for being, despite the distressing times going on and the construction all over campus. In view of Orientation and Enrollment just about to occur and many new students being on campus this week, it is important to remain positive. She reminded everyone of the orientation that took place just after a tornado hit campus several years ago. Despite the campus being partially destroyed, it was one of the best orientations they had.
  • Lengthy discussion took place about budget situation as well as the furloughs that 1xbet best casino website threatened, though not imposed. Much anxiety has been caused by this. There are still questions about pay and whether there is "authority" to pay employees on time, even though the furloughs 1xbet best casino website not imposed. The Provost, while in attendance at the meeting, reported she would do her best to find out the answer to these and other questions.

Fred Guzek
Faculty 1xbet best casino website President
Salina Arts, Science, and Business
Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
104A Tech Center
Salina, KS 67401

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