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K-State Today

May 26, 2015

Recent publications and presentations by English department faculty, students

Submitted by Karin Westman

During the spring semester, faculty and graduate students in the English department published the following 31 works:

Traci Brimhall, assistant 1xbet online games login , published thepoems "Family Portrait as Lullaby," "Lullaby With Almost All the Answers," and "Things Which Will Not Appear in This Lullaby" in the journal Poetry Northwest 11.2, 2015, pages 8-9.Brimhall also published:

  • The essay "Artic Tempest, Or How to Appease the Kraken When It Comes For You" in the journal Passages North 36, pages 45-46.
  • The poem "Idyll" in the journal Indiana Review 36.2, 2015, page 153.
  • The poem"Plantation Landscape with a Mob of Unwanted Children and Pollinating Rubber Trees" in the Fairy Tale Review 11, 2015, page 26.
  • The poems"Virago" and "Our Lady Hippolyta Appears to Save Us All From the Wages of Cain" in the journal Court Green 12, spring 2015, pages 45-47.
  • The poem "On the Feast Day of Our Lady Hippolyta" in the Beloit Poetry Journal 65.3, 2015, pages 19-20.

Mark Crosby, assistant 1xbet online games login , published "Hayley, William" in "The Encyclopedia of British Literature" 1660–1789, Vol. I, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2015, pages 569-572.

Elizabeth Dodd, university distinguished 1xbet online games login , published "Sanctuary," a creative nonfiction column, in Terrain.org: A Journal of the Built + Natural EnvironmentsonFeb. 15, 2015.

Dan Hoyt, associate 1xbet online games login , published "Laptop Diptych," a prose poem, in the journal Carbon Culture Review 1.1, 2014, page 9.Hoyt also published "The Best White Rapper in Berea, Ohio," a short story, in the journal The Iowa Review 45.1, 2015, pages 41-59.

Michele Janette, associate 1xbet online games login , published "Novels of Bảo Ninh and Dương Thu Hương" in the collection "Fictions of the American War in Vietnam," NY: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2014, pages 47-70.

Katy Karlin, associate 1xbet online games login , published "We Are the Polites," a story, in The Cincinnati Review 11.2, 2015, pages 185-197.Karlin also published:

  • "Recommendation: The Learning Tree by Gordon Parks," an essay, in the journal Post Road 28, 2015, pages 152-4.
  • "Sleeping Where Jean Seberg Slept, a story, in the collection "Watchlist," New York: OR Books, 2015, pages 9-19.

Mary Kohn, assistant 1xbet online games login , published "'The Way I Communicate Changes but How I Speak Don't': A Longitudinal Perspective on Adolescent Language Variation and Change," Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2015.

Jesse Lobbs, graduate student, published "Black Coffee, a poem, in the journal Cave Region Review 6.1, 2014, page 3.Lobbs also published "Fin de Siecle," a poem, in the journal Nebo 33.1, 2014, page 28.

James Machor, 1xbet online games login , published "Reading for Humor or Realism: W. D. Howells and Mark Twain's Early Reception in the U.S. Public Sphere" in the journal American Literary Realism 47.2, 2015, pages 136-50.

Phillip Marzluf, associate 1xbet online games login , published "The Pastoral Home School: Rural, Vernacular, and Grassroots Literacies in Early Soviet Mongolia" in the journal Central Asian Survey 2014.

Brian McCarty, instructor, published "Suburbia," a poem, in the journal Lunch Ticket Winter/Spring, 2014.

McCarty also published "Gardens," a poem, in the journal Your Impossible Voice 6,2014.

Deborah Murray, instructor, published poems "Comfort Food Pantoum," "Stoicism is a Virtue," and "Home Cooking" in the journal Meat for Tea: The Valley Review. 9:1, 2015, pages 87-88.

Bonnie Nelson, associate 1xbet online games login , published "Female Authorship" in "The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789," Vol. I, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2015, pages 472-479.

Kara Northway, associate 1xbet online games login , and colleagues Pam Bromley and Eliana Schonberg published "Student Perceptions of Intellectual Engagement in the Writing Center: Cognitive Challenge, Tutor Involvement, and Productive Sessions" in The Writing Lab Newsletter 39.7-8, March/April 2015, pages 1-6.

Karin Westman, associate 1xbet online games login and department head, Naomi Wood, 1xbet online games login , and David Russell published the journal issue The Lion and the Unicorn 39.1, 2015.

Han Yu, associate 1xbet online games login , and colleague Marina Lin published "A Manager's Best Practices to Coordinate Globally Distributed Teams" in Connexions: International Professional Communication Journal 3.1, 2015, pages 71-84.

Faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students in the English department also 1xbet online games login the following 31 conference papers, invited talks and readings:

Traci Brimhall, 1xbet online games login a reading of excerpts from "Our Lady of the Ruins" at the The Big Thunder Reading Series at Minnesota State University-Mankato in Mankato, MN on Jan. 29 and for the Carr Visiting Authors Series March 17at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Champaign, Illinois.

Steffi Dippold, assistant 1xbet online games login , presented "A Mohawk Vomiting Stick: Odyssey of an Intercultural Object" Jan. 6at the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference at St. Hugh's College, Oxford, U.K.

Dippold also 1xbet online games login "Paper Horticulture: The Transatlantic Botanical Tropes of Pennsylvania Dutch Fraktur" at the Fraktur and the Everyday Lives of Germans in Pennsylvania and the Atlantic World, 1683-1850, Conference March 8at the McNeil Center for Early American Studies in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.

Gregory Eiselein, 1xbet online games login , and Donald Saucier presented "Experiences of Academic Engagement and Classroom Community in Learning Communities" at the 34th Annual Conference Feb. 17on the First-Year Experience in Dallas, Texas.Eiselein also presented:

  • An invited keynote lecture,"Engagement, Challenge, and Student Success," at the Enhancing Teaching and Learning 1xbet online games login : Kansas City Professional Development Council March 7in Kansas City, Missouri.
  • An invited talk,"William James and Emotion's Literary History," at the Department of English April 8at Washington State 1xbet online games login in Pullman, Washington.
  • An invited talk,"First-Year / First-Generation: Pedagogies that Work," at the CLASP/First Scholars Program April 8 at Washington State 1xbet online games login in Pullman, Washington.
  • An invited workshop, "The Ends of Undergraduate Study: How English Majors Can Prepare Themselves for What Comes Next," April 9 at the Department of English at 1xbet online games login of Idaho in Moscow,Idaho.
  • An invited workshop, "The Fundamentals of Great Teaching," April 9 at the Department of English at Washington State 1xbet online games login in Pullman, Washington.

Carol Franko, associate 1xbet online games login , presented "Nnedi Okorafor's Genre-Blended Intertextual, and Utopian Vision for West Africa" March 20 at the Midwest Conference on Utopian Studies in Valparaiso,Indiana.

Tanya Gonzalez, associate 1xbet online games login , presented "Gothic Utopias? Death, Hope, and What You See in the Dark" at the 2nd Biennial Latina/o Literary Theory & Criticism Conference April 24at John Jay College in New York,New York.

Don Hedrick, 1xbet online games login , presented two papers at the Modern Language Association conference in Vancouver, Canada: "Entertain Me: Civilizing the Renaissance Person" Jan. 9 and "Theorizing Shakespearian Sport" Jan. 10.Hedrick also presented:

  • "Opportunistic Gambling in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew" at the Renaissance Society of America 1xbet online games login in Berlin, Germany, on March 26.
  • "Falstaff in Postmarxism" at the Shakespeare Association of America 1xbet online games login in Vancouver, Canada, on April 4.

Dan Hoyt, associate 1xbet online games login , presented an excerpt from "Girl X," a fiction reading, April 9 at Riot Act Reading Series in Minneapolis,Minnesota.

Michele Janette, associate 1xbet online games login , presented "A queer 'personal equation'?: Non-normative investments, eccentric modes of being, and queer circuits of desire in Lily Hoang's Parabola" April 25at the Association of Asian American Studies Annual Conference in Chicago. Illinois.

Mary Kohn, assistant 1xbet online games login , presented with colleague Erin Callahan "Local and Supra-Local Variation in Latino English" Jan. 10 at the American Dialect Society Conference in Portland, Oregon.Kohn also presented as aninvited panelist"(De)segregation: The Impact of De Facto and De Jure Segregation on African American English in the New South"on April 11at the Language Variety in the South IV Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Philip Nel, university distinguished 1xbet online games login , presented aninvited talk"Was the Cat in the Hat Black?: Structural Racism in Children's Literature" March 10 at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana.Nel also participated as an invited panelistin the "Rollins Book Award Winners Q&A" Feb. 13 at the Southwest Popular / American Culture Association Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Bonnie Nelson, associate 1xbet online games login , presented "The Alternate Universe of Sarah Scott and Charlotte Perkins Gilman" March 20 at The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference in Los Angeles, California.

Kara Northway, Pam Bromley, and Eliana Schonberg 1xbet online games login "'Something that stays with you' or 'Oh, I learned this in the Writing Center!': A Mixed-Method, Cross-Institutional Study of Transfer" Nov. 1 at the International Writing Centers Association-National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing Joint Conference in Orlando, Florida.

Tosha Sampson-Choma, assistant 1xbet online games login , presented "Resisting Hegemonic Black Male Identity in Andrea Levy's Fruit of the Lemon" March 13 at the National Council for Black Studies in Los Angeles, California.

Sampson-Choma also 1xbet online games login "'Shaft's His Name, Shaft's His Game' because He's Superhood, Superhigh, Superdude, Superfly: Performing Black British Male Identity through the Guise of Blaxploitation" April 10 at the College Language Association Conference in Dallas, Texas.

David Smit, 1xbet online games login , presented "Ward Just's Vietnam: Method and Madness" May 1 at the New England Modern Language Association Conference in Toronto, Canada.

Joy Smith, instructor, 1xbet online games login "Mourning, Memory, and Melancholy in Edgar Allan Poe's Elegies" Feb 27 at the Poe Studies Association's Fourth International Edgar Allan Poe Conference in New York, New York.

Joe Sutliff Sanders, associate 1xbet online games login , presented "The Arch-Nemesis of Comics Is…Comics?" April 10 at the Swan Arts Foundation in Ottawa, Kansas.

Lisa Tatonetti 1xbet online games login "Affect, Female Masculinity, and the Embodied Space Between: Two-Spirit Traces in Thirza Cuthand's Experimental Film" April 10 at the MELUS Conference in Athens, Georgia.

Dan Von Holten, instructor, 1xbet online games login "Chatting about ePortfolios" Feb. 5at theDigital Rhetoric Collaborative.