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April 22, 2015

Reminder: 2015 1xbet sports betting and Professional Staff Retiree Ceremony and Reception

Submitted by 1xbet sports betting Senate

Faculty Senate invites you to the 2015 Faculty and Professional Staff Retiree Ceremony at 4 p.m. Friday, April 24, at the 1xbet sports betting Alumni Center. This is a time to recognize, honor and celebrate those faculty and professional staff who have contributed to the success of Kansas State University during their careers here.

The following individuals are on the program this year. If there is an asterisk by their name, they have indicated they will attend the ceremony:


  • Joseph Arata, agricultural economics
  • *Arlo Biere, agricultural economics
  • *Daniel Fung, animal sciences and industry
  • Larry Hollis, animal sciences and industry
  • Charles Mickelsen, agricultural economics
  • *Alan Stevens, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources
  • Loyd Stone, agronomy
  • Tom Warner, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources
  • Frank White, plant pathology
  • *Karen Wilson, agricultural economics

Architecture, Planning & Design

  • Larry Lawhon, landscape architecture and regional & community planning
  • Judy Roland, interior architecture & product design
  • *Carol Watts, architecture
  • *Donald Watts, architecture

Arts and Sciences

  • Douglas Benson, modern languages
  • Thomas Bookwalter, art
  • *Robert Burckel, math
  • George Clark, geology
  • Alice "Lynne" Davy, sociology, anthropology and social work
  • *John Exdell, philosophy
  • Dale Herspring, political science
  • *Charlotte MacFarland, music, theatre, and dance
  • *Subbarat Muthukrishnan, biochemistry and molecular biophysics
  • *Paul Nelson, statistics
  • Robert Schaeffer, sociology, anthropology and social work
  • *William Schenck-Hamlin, communication studies
  • *David Smit, English
  • *Jonathan Snowden, aerospace studies
  • *Lloyd Thomas, economics
  • Earl Towne, biology
  • Dennis Weisman, economics
  • *Peter Wong, biology

Business Administration

  • *Bill Borth, management


  • Janice Cole, College of Education dean's office
  • *Susan Dillinger, special education, counseling and student affairs
  • Leslie Rader, curriculum and instruction
  • *Trudy Salsberry, educational leadership
  • *Gail Shroyer, curriculum and instruction
  • Judith Weyrauch, College of Education dean's office


  • Stephen Coulson, College of Engineering dean's office
  • *Larry Erickson, chemical engineering
  • *David Fritchen, architectural engineering and construction science
  • *Allan Goodman, architectural engineering and construction science
  • *David Gustafson, computing and information sciences
  • E. Stanley Lee, industrial and manufacturing engineering
  • *Thomas Roberts, College of Engineering dean’s office
  • David Schmidt, computing and information sciences
  • *David Soldan, electrical and computer engineering
  • James Steichen, biological and agricultural engineering


  • Fred Cholick
  • Lynn Frick
  • Marilee Whelan

General Administration

  • Ellen Bailey, international programs
  • Janice Burke, international programs
  • Nora Downie, facilities
  • Sharon "Sharijo" Dunbar, Child Development 1xbet sports betting
  • Phyllis Epps, ITAC
  • *Stephanie Harvey, Human Capital Services
  • *Garland Lewis, Housing and Dining Services
  • James Lewis, international programs
  • Beverly Page, research and sponsored programs
  • Lenore Rosenberg, international programs
  • *Mary "Malley" Sisson, Housing and Dining Services
  • *Lynda Spire, Global Campus
  • Jerry "Mike" Stauffer, information systems office
  • Kristine Young-Stevens, international programs
  • *Mary Todd, student life
  • *Susana Valdovinos, academic personnel
  • *Jon Wefald, leadership studies

Human Ecology

  • *Elizabeth "Betsy" Barrett, hospitality management and dietetics
  • *Deborah Canter, hospitality management and dietetics
  • *LuAnn Hoover, family studies and human service
  • *Carol Kellett, human ecology dean's office
  • *Pat Pesci, hospitality management and dietetics
  • *Ann Bosma Smit, family studies and human service

Libraries, 1xbet sports betting

  • Regina Beard, scholarly communications and publishing
  • Anthony Crawford, curator of manuscripts

Research and Extension

  • Barbara Addison, extension agent, Finney County
  • *Marie Blythe, coordinator
  • *Anna Mae Brown, county agent, SE Sector
  • *Kathryn Lupfer Nielsen, extension agent, Post Rock District
  • Kent Miller, extension ag economist, 1xbet sports betting Farm Management
  • *Robert Neier, extension agent, Post Rock District
  • *Phillip Sloderbeck, extension SW Area Office Garden City
  • Frank Swan, county agent SW Sector
  • *Tranda Watts, multicounty specialist, Northwest Area
  • *Billy Wood, county agent Metropolitan Sector

Technology and Aviation, 1xbet sports betting Salina

  • *Judith "Judy" Collins, arts, sciences and business
  • John Heublein, arts, sciences and business
  • *Bernard "Barney" King, aviation
  • Jacqueline "Jaci" Walsh, Academic Career Advising 1xbet sports betting

Veterinary Medicine

  • Betty Gathers, Veterinary Health 1xbet sports betting
  • Roberta "Bertie" Lovett, Veterinary Health 1xbet sports betting
  • Dudley McCaw, Veterinary Health 1xbet sports betting
  • Patricia Payne, diagnostic medicine/pathobiology