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  4. »1xbet online games login open house set for March 25

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March 13, 2015

1xbet online games login open house set for March 25

Submitted by Ruth Dyer

As we continue the development of the 1xbet online games login North Campus Corridor Master Plan, a campus open house will be from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 25, in Room 207 of the 1xbet online games login Student Union with representatives from Perkins+Will and other members of our North Campus Corridor planning team. The open house will offer the 1xbet online games login Community the opportunity to give input and provide feedback on preliminary recommendations and alternatives for this area. Topics to be covered include:

• 1xbet online games login Development Plan — Land Use, Open Space, Infrastructure — both underground utilities and "green infrastructure."
• Transportation Plan — Multimodal access and circulation, pedestrian connectivity, transit and parking recommendations.
• Kimball Road improvements — Proposed street section, new access points, streetscape improvements.
• Public realm and open space improvements — Gateways and portals, signage, wayfinding and landscape guidelines.

The goal of the North Campus Corridor Master Plan is to define and strengthen the area's sense of purpose and sense of place that stems from the physical environment offered by Kansas State University. Design concepts will integrate academic and research facilities, infrastructure and open space to create a sustainable living, learning and knowledge-creation community for 1xbet online games login .

Please drop by during this time to visit with our consultants, ask questions and provide your ideas and feedback. We look forward to seeing you at the campus open house.

More information about the 1xbet online games login Master Plan project can be found at http://www.1xbet online games login edu/northcampuscorridor.