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  4. »Nominations for the 2015 1xbet online games login

K-State Today

August 18, 2014

Nominations for the 2015 1xbet online games login

Submitted by April Mason

Faculty, department heads, division/school directors and deans,

I announce the call for nominations for the title of university distinguished professor for appointment in 2015. This opportunity, coordinated through the office of the provost in conjunction with the 1xbet online games login group, will consider new appointments to this title for 2015. In addition to this distinguished title, each appointee shall receive an enhancement of ,000 added to their base salaries with funds provided through my office.

This article describes the general process for nominations and review of candidates associated with selection of 1xbet online games login and the role of the university distinguished professor group in the selection process. The review of nominations will be conducted by the group, with additional review and input provided by a group of selected 1xbet online games login from other Big 12 universities. The selection of the external Big 12 1xbet online games login , who will provide review and input of those nominated, will be made by me in my role as provost. I will select the university distinguished professor appointees from the slate of nominees recommended by the university distinguished professor group in conjunction with input from the external 1xbet online games login and in consultation with the Dean's Council.

Nominations and qualifications:
Eligibility for this title is restricted to tenured faculty with the rank of full professor on full-time appointment at the university. The general qualifications for this honor are based on an individual meeting the following criteria:

1. They are recognized as having made an outstanding impact on their field;
2. That such recognition is recognized as continuing;
3. That this excellence has been recognized in important ways, such as major honors from professional societies, selection as a distinguished graduate faculty recipient or distinguished teaching scholar, or other equivalent types of recognition of excellence of the nominees; and
4. That such recognitions of excellence of the nominees be sensitive to and appropriately consider the diversity of contributions, both national and international, our faculty have made within the broad context of outstanding scholarship as defined by Ernest Boyer.

Nominations of outstanding faculty for the title of university distinguished professor can be made to the provost by any Kansas State University tenured faculty member qualified to judge the nominee's work.

A CD or flash drive with a PDF file of the entire nomination package should be submitted to the provost's office by Monday, Oct. 6, to Gail Zeak, and an electronic copy also should be submitted to gaill@k-state.edu.

Nomination packages must contain the following material:

  • A letter of nomination that should not exceed five pages. The letter must include the following:
    • the special reasons that justify selection of the nominee for the title of university distinguished professor;
    • complementary but not redundant material to that provided in the curriculum vitae;
    • a description for the general academic audience of the importance of the nominee's scholarship and contributions to her/his field.
  • A detailed curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  • A list of four and no more than five eminent scholars, outside K-State, recognized as nationally and internationally qualified to speak directly to the outstanding qualifications of the nominee. The professional qualifications of each potential referee should be described, and a statement describing any personal or professional relationships between the referee and nominee that may have existed in the past or currently exists must be included. Complete current mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses must also be provided for each of these possible referees. In addition to three referees that will be selected from the above list, I will also, in consultation with the department head and/or other qualified faculty, solicit two additional eminent scholars in the candidate's specialty to provide letters of reference. Nominators should confirm all five referees are willing to write on behalf of the nominee if contacted by the provost to do so, keeping in mind that only three will be asked.
  • Letters of support from the college dean and either the department head or division/school director.
    The nomination may also include additional supporting letters from faculty at K-State, which are solicited and submitted by the nominator.

Every year the nominator may:

  • Add an updated curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  • Recommend the name of one additional referee to the list of four to five eminent scholars, outside K-State, recognized as nationally and internationally qualified to speak to the outstanding qualifications of the candidate that was submitted when the nomination was originally made. Supporting details associated with the additional proposed referee must also be included per instructions as outlined above. The information on the additional referee should be electronically submitted in PDF format to gaill@ksu.edu and must be submitted by the deadline for new nominations.

Nominations will remain active for a period of three consecutive years. If the nominee is not selected as a university distinguished professor during this three-year period, one year must pass before the individual can be re-nominated, whereupon a new three-consecutive-year active period begins.

Nominations should be received in my office no later than 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6, for consideration for appointment effective the following academic year.

I look forward to receiving your nominations.