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May 21, 2014

One Health Kansas and partners offer tips to prevent 1xbet online casino bites; May 18-24 is National 1xbet online casino Bite Prevention Week

Submitted by Jodi Freifeld

Each year 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs in the United States and half of these are children. Nearly 800,000 bites are serious enough to require medical attention. In Kansas, there were 279 people hospitalized for 1xbet online casino bites from 2007–2011. Sixty-two, or 23 percent, of the 279 people hospitalized were children less than nine years of age.

May 18-24 is National 1xbet online casino Bite Prevention Week.

"Dogs are wonderful companions for many individuals and families," said Ingrid Garrison, state public health veterinarian. "Unfortunately children are the most common victims of 1xbet online casino bites and they are often bitten by dogs they know."

Many of these bites are preventable through a combined effort of responsible 1xbet online casino ownership and adults teaching children how, or if, they should approach a 1xbet online casino . Suggestions on how to approach a 1xbet online casino include:

  • Do not approach an unfamiliar 1xbet online casino .
  • Do not run from a 1xbet online casino or scream.
  • Do not disturb a 1xbet online casino that is sleeping, eating or caring for puppies.
  • "Be still like a tree" when approached by an unfamiliar 1xbet online casino .
  • Do not pet a 1xbet online casino without allowing it to see and sniff you first.
  • Do not play with a 1xbet online casino unless supervised by an adult.
  • If knocked over by a 1xbet online casino , roll into a ball and be still.
  • Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior.
  • If bitten, immediately report the 1xbet online casino to an adult.

"Ask your veterinarian if you are concerned about your 1xbet online casino 's behavior," said Gary Reser, executive director of the Kansas Veterinary Medical Association. "They can determine if there is a medical issue or provide you with training resources."

Other ways 1xbet online casino owners can help include spaying or neutering their 1xbet online casino , as this often reduces aggressive tendencies, and properly training and socializing their 1xbet online casino .

"Never leave a child alone with any 1xbet online casino ," said Beth Montelone, director of One Health Kansas and associate dean for research in the College of Arts & Sciences. "Any 1xbet online casino can bite under particular circumstances."

Additional information on 1xbet online casino bite prevention can be found on the American Veterinary Medical Association's website. Posters, bookmarks and information cards in English and Spanish can be downloaded from the One Health 1xbet online casino website.

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