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  4. »Highlights from the April 8 Faculty 1xbet best casino website meeting

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April 15, 2014

Highlights from the April 8 Faculty 1xbet best casino website meeting

Submitted by Faculty 1xbet best casino website

Previous minutes are available on the Faculty 1xbet best casino website website as they are approved.Highlights from the April 8, 2014 Faculty 1xbet best casino website meeting:

Guests: No guests at this meeting

Consent agenda:
&1xbet best casino website ; Course and curriculum changes as presented in the consent agenda were approved.

Standing committee and Student 1xbet best casino website reports:

• Student 1xbet best casino website : Senator Kyle Nuss reported that turnover of student senators took place on April 3. Keagan Rays and Cody Kennedy are the new student body president and vice president. He also updated senators on various other activities of Student 1xbet best casino website .
&1xbet best casino website ; FSCOT: Senator Don Crawford reported on upcoming meeting topics for the final three meetings of the year. K-State Online and Canvas pilot update; communications and marketing CMS; Office 365 and continued advanced training; Office 365 Phase II, Technology costs in grant proposals; Follett textbook reporting update; and online accessibility.
• FSCOUP: Senator Barbara Anderson moved to endorse the Student 1xbet best casino website resolution supporting changes to the campus smoking policy. After discussion of the resolution and how this will affect the campus, the motion carried. Classified 1xbet best casino website already gave their support of the resolution. Therefore, it will now go forward to the Environmental Health and Safety committee. Anderson also reported the committee met with Ben Champion and Melody LeHew at their last meeting regarding the Sustainability Theme Committee's report. The report should be released this week to campus for a one-month comment period. She encouraged senators to review the report of the committee and give comment, both constructive and positive, when it is released.
&1xbet best casino website ; Academic Affairs: There were no discussion items on the agenda; however, Senator Andy Bennett reported on the work of the Course and Curriculum Approval Process Improvement Committee or CCAPIC, which he serves on, and the current stage of their work.
• Faculty Affairs: Senator Betsy Cauble presented revisions to Section F of the University Handbook for first reading. These changes have been through numerous reviews. She also updated senators onUniversity Handbook Appendix G changes. These should come back to senators next month. The proposal was on the agenda for a first reading earlier this year, and went back to committee for further discussion based on feedback and is now ready for a vote. Cauble also reported that the Professional Titles Task Force report, as accepted by 1xbet best casino website last February, is being discussed in their committee. After lengthy discussion, it is likely the title changes will come forward for approval without being tied to salary adjustments at this point, so that the titles can be put in place more quickly than would be the case if they were waiting for the funds associated with the title changes. Cauble updated senators on the status of mandatory training that will need to take place with regard to Violence Against Women Act; this will be required of all employees. Also, Cauble notified senators of language that will need to be included for any future job ad positions with regard to being an equal opportunity employer. Contact Roberta Maldonado-Franzen for more information.
&1xbet best casino website ; Professional Staff Affairs: Senator Danielle Brown noted there is no report to give at this time.


• President Keen announced Faculty 1xbet best casino website elections are final and the new senators' names have been released. New senator orientation will be held at 2 p.m. May 13. Faculty 1xbet best casino website is now looking for candidates for the secretary and president-elect positions. Those elections will take place on May 13.
&1xbet best casino website ; President Keen offered congratulations to those who were promoted or received tenure this year and specifically acknowledged Faculty Senators who were promoted or received tenure.
• As directed by the 1xbet best casino website Handbook, President Keen informed senators of the outcome of the Appendix M hearing that was held on February 13-14.

New business:

&1xbet best casino website ; A resolution in support of the Kansas Board of Regents Social Media work group's recommendations was passed. This will be presented to the Board at their next meeting on April 15.

Open discussion by senators from the floor:

&1xbet best casino website ; Senator Lynn-Sherow commented on the "Equal Pay Day" and inquired about the equity of pay between men and women at K-State. It was noted that in an equity study done at K-State recently, there is not a high variance.
• Senator Nuss thoughtfully encouraged everyone to continue remembering the positive aspects of working at Kansas State 1xbet best casino website , despite the budget situation or other issues. He noted that if people focus on the bad in a situation, it can consume. Senators applauded.

Julia Keen, P.E., HBDP, PhD
Faculty 1xbet best casino website President
Associate Professor
Architectural Engineering and Construction Science
Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
248 Seaton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506