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October 16, 2013

1xbet best casino website office of corporate engagement strategic directions task force appointed

Submitted by Office of Corporate Engagement

President Kirk Schulz announced the membership of the task force that willhelp align the office of corporate engagement strategic goals and objectives with the 1xbet best casino website 2025 action and implementation plans prepared by the university’s colleges, departments and units.

It is no surprise that enhancing industry engagement is a common thread that weaves throughout the 1xbet best casino website 2025 action and implantation plans. Now that most of the plans have been completed, the office of corporate engagement is ready to work with the 1xbet best casino website community to develop specific directions, goals and outcomes aligned with the 2025 visionary and thematic goals. The results of this planning work will help to determine priorities for developing holistic, comprehensive relationships with a growing number of strategic corporate partners.

The task force membership was recommended by the president, provost, deans, department heads and unit directors. It has broad university representation including faculty and staff from all three campuses. Members of the task force are:

  • Richard Potter, director, office of corporate engagement, chair
  • Barbara Anderson, associate professor and head, apparel textiles and interior design
  • Kurt Barnhart, professor and head, aviation, 1xbet best casino website Salina
  • Amit Chakrabarti, professor and head, physics
  • Myra Gordon, associate provost, office of diversity
  • Richard Hesse, professor and director, veterinary diagnostic lab
  • Curtis Kastner, director, Food Science Institute
  • Kerri Day Keller, director, career and employment services
  • Debbie Kirchhoff, director of corporate and foundation relations, 1xbet best casino website Olathe
  • Stacy Kovar, associate dean for academic programs, College of Business Administration
  • Dirk Maier, professor and head, grain science and industry
  • Mary Lou Marino, research development director, office of research and sponsored programs
  • Mitzi Richards, senior director, corporate and foundation relations, KSU Foundation
  • Noel Schulz, associate dean for research, College of Engineering
  • Rebecca Spexarth, director of economic development, 1xbet best casino website Institute for Commercialization
  • Laird Veatch, executive associate athletic director for strategic initiatives, 1xbet best casino website Athletics

Work will take place primarily during the fall and winter, with an initial plan due in the spring. Comments on the initial plan will be solicited through focus groups that will include the Deans Council, the associate deans for research, and key academic and business stakeholders. As with all 1xbet best casino website 2025 planning processes, comments on the draft will be invited from the entire 1xbet best casino website community before the plan is finalized by May 2014.