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K-State Today

November 24, 2014

K-State 2025 Snapshots of Success: 1xbet online games login Scholarly Experience – Theme 3

Submitted by President Schulz and Provost Mason

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Our K-State 2025 theme letter last week focused on the progress we are making together advancing the undergraduate educational experience. Today we are reporting on Theme 3: the 1xbet online games login Scholarly Experience. Outstanding 1xbet online games login programs and talented 1xbet online games login faculty and students are essential to achieving our vision to become a Top 50 public research university by 2025. Our goal for the 1xbet online games login Scholarly Experience is to "advance a culture of excellence that attracts highly talented, diverse 1xbet online games login students and produces graduates recognized as outstanding in their respective professions."

Our Theme 3 action plan envisions K-State as a preferred destination for talented 1xbet online games login students with access to outstanding teaching, mentorship and high-level interdisciplinary learning and experiential training opportunities that provide our graduates with the skill sets needed to excel in their careers in a global environment. It calls for a broader spectrum of 1xbet online games login programs and courses for both resident and distance students, active engagement with the corporate and government sectors to develop innovative programs to meet rapidly growing and changing industry and professional demands, and doctorates awarded comparable to our benchmark institutions. It also calls for a university culture that values and supports 1xbet online games login students, increased funding for 1xbet online games login research and teaching, and competitive compensation for our GRAs, GTAs and GAs and 1xbet online games login faculty.

The number of doctorate degrees awarded, one of our university benchmark metrics, has remained relatively stable for the past three years, with a slight increase from 158 in 2012-2013 to 166 last year. Our 1xbet online games login student population has increased in both size and diversity. In the College of Agriculture alone, the number of 1xbet online games login students has increased from 491 in fall 2011 to 590 in fall 2014.

The range of 1xbet online games login degrees and certificate programs available to meet the diverse needs of today's 1xbet online games login students continued to expand. The interdisciplinary Master of Public Health program received full accreditation in June and offers a degree in four areas of emphasis ­— food safety and biosecurity, infectious diseases and zoonoses, public health nutrition and public health physical activity — as well as a 1xbet online games login certificate in public health core concepts. The number of students pursuing a dual Doctor of Veterinary Medicine/Doctor of Philosophy degree increased with the first student earning his degree and six students on scholarship.

Since opening in 2011, K-State Olathe's 1xbet online games login degree program offerings have grown to eight to meet the needs of students and industry in the Kansas City region. They include food science; horticulture with an emphasis in urban food systems; biological and agricultural engineering with an emphasis in biotechnology; agribusiness with emphasis in animal health, veterinary biomedical science; and adult education — master's degrees, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education — and a 1xbet online games login certificate in adult education and leadership. Last spring, we congratulated the first student 1xbet online games login from the Olathe campus with a master's degree in food science.

Online 1xbet online games login programs increased to meet the needs of professionals with the addition of 1xbet online games login certificates for teaching English as a second language for adult learners and financial therapy — the nation's first such 1xbet online games login certificate being offered by the personal financial planning program in the College of Human Ecology.

Colleges launched or expanded professional mentoring programs to link 1xbet online games login as well as undergraduate students with professionals in their fields of study. They reached out to industry to increase partnerships for internships and experiential learning, and engaged with donors to increase philanthropic support for 1xbet online games login students and programs. K-State Salina, for example, created an Industrial Advisory Board to increase strategic industry partnerships to provide 1xbet online games login distance and experiential learning opportunities.

Access to high-quality 1xbet online games login programs, courses and learning opportunities is clearly key to becoming a preferred destination for 1xbet online games login students as envisioned in 2025. Our Theme 3 plan also makes clear that a K-State culture and environment that values, supports and celebrates our 1xbet online games login students is important. Whether it is more effective administrative processes, competitive compensation to attract highly talented 1xbet online games login students, or providing better "space and place," how our students perceive their 1xbet online games login scholarly experience includes their overall experience at K-State.

We increased the efficiency of the application and admissions process for domestic and international students last year with the implementation of CollegeNet. The 1xbet online games login School, in partnership with the 1xbet online games login Student Council, continued to offer 1xbet online games login students professional development workshops to develop transferable skills for career success. Dean Carol Shanklin commissioned a review of the 1xbet online games login School by three external consultants, which resulted in recommendations to further advance 1xbet online games login programs and the K-State 2025 vision. The Task Force for Social Sciences, Humanities, and Fine Arts also made recommendations specific to those areas. Strategies to address many of these recommendations are currently being developed and will be a focus for the coming year.

Space continues to be a challenge for 1xbet online games login students, as well as everyone else. We cannot continue to increase the number of 1xbet online games login students if we do not have space for them to work and interact. K-State Libraries began developing plans for improved 1xbet online games login study rooms in Hale Library to build use to capacity and expand the type of space available to support collaboration. As our deans develop plans for new or renovated space, they are incorporating strategies to increase and improve space for 1xbet online games login students.

Finding resources for tuition remission for 1xbet online games login research assistants also continues to be a challenge. Several of our colleges are now requiring that funds for tuition remission be written into grant proposals consistent with funding agency policies. Working with the deans and the 1xbet online games login School, we are hoping to have a multi-year plan in place by the end of the academic year to address the need for competitive compensation for our GTAs, GRAs and GAs, recognizing that this will take time in today's fiscal environment. Space that gives the 1xbet online games login students their sense of place, along with competitive compensation and tuition remission for 1xbet online games login research assistants are areas where we must do better if we are going to attract, recruit and retain the highly-talented 1xbet online games login students we need.

Thanks to the work of many of you, we are advancing many of our goals for K-State's 1xbet online games login scholarly experience. We are developing innovative programs to meet the needs of today's students. We are partnering with the public and private sectors to enhance the learning opportunities for our students to prepare them throughout their professional careers. We continue to have highly ranked doctoral programs in areas such as plant pathology, agricultural economics, entomology and food science. Our animal sciences doctoral program ranked No. 5 for research productivity among national programs last year. 1xbet online games login programs in architecture, planning, and design continue to be ranked in the top 10 in the nation.

K-State has long been known as a student-centered university providing an excellent undergraduate experience. K-State 2025 brings an intentional focus to our 1xbet online games login students. We are making progress together. We look forward to continuing to work with you to find new ways to recruit and retain outstanding 1xbet online games login students and enhance the quality of our 1xbet online games login programs, building upon our strengths as we continue on the journey to be a Top 50 public research university by 2025.

Go Cats and thanks for all you do!

President Kirk Schulz

Provost and Senior Vice President April Mason