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September 22, 2017

Morgan to join National Science Foundation as a rotating 1xbet online games login

Submitted by Division of Biology

Ted Morgan, associate professor of biology,has been selected by the National Science Foundation to serve as a rotating 1xbet online games login for the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems — Directorate for Biological Sciences — beginning Oct. 16.

Morgan will join the Physiological and Structural Systems cluster and will oversee the funding panels focused on integrative ecological physiology during his two-year appointment at NSF. The Integrative Ecological Physiology Program focuses on identifying cutting-edge research focused on understanding the structural and physiological traits of organisms that underlie their capacities to live in various ecological settings. Accordingly, it funds research on the physiological and genetic mechanisms underlying organism responses to their environments. This focus perfectly overlaps with Morgan's research program, teaching, and service activities during his 11 years at 1xbet online games login .

NSF offers opportunities for scientists, engineers and educators to serve as temporary — rotating — program directors. Rotators make recommendations about which proposals to fund; influence new directions in the fields of science; support cutting-edge interdisciplinary 1xbet online games login ; and mentor junior 1xbet online games login members. Rotators are in a prime position to collaborate with others and increase visibility while surveying the entire breadth of U.S. and international science in real time. In addition, rotators retain ties to their current institution and return to it with new insights and experience.