New 1xbet online games login Institute

About the New 1xbet online games login Institute

Welcome to Kansas State University! K-State's New 1xbet online games login Institute (NFI) is a university-wide program to introduce newly hired 1xbet online games login to our missions of teaching, research and service, and to facilitate their success at K-State.

The NFI will offer information, networking, and professional development. NFI participants first meet at the New 1xbet online games login -Staff Orientation during August, and then at four sessions each semester during the academic year.

Goals and Outcomes

NFI facilitates the transition of newly-hired 1xbet online games login members into the K-State academic environment by providing information and tools, helping the new 1xbet online games login become successful as educators and researchers at Kansas State University.

Participants of the K-State New 1xbet online games login Institute will:

  • Make contact, establish relationships, and initiate a professional network with peers and established 1xbet online games login ;
  • Become knowledgeable about Kansas State University;
  • Develop a sense of belonging to the K-State university community;
  • Take steps toward successful involvement in K-State's missions of teaching, research, and service; and
  • Become proactive participants in a life-long professional development process.

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in getting timely updates about the New 1xbet online games login Institute, please email Andie Faber at to be added to the listserve.

The NFI provides programing aimed at 1xbet online games login in their first 3 years at K-State; however, 1xbet online games login at many stages in their careers may find value in our events. As such, all events are open to any 1xbet online games login who feel they can benefit from them. Most newly hired 1xbet online games login members will be informed of the NFI by their department heads.

Andie Faber

Andie Faber
NFI Director
Assistant Professor of Spanish
Modern Languages

Pictures From Past Events


