Photo of Daran RudnickDaran 1xbet online sports betting

Professor and Director of Sustainable 1xbet online sports betting


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Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015
  • M.S., Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2013
  • B.S., Biological Systems Engineering, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2011

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

  • Full and deficit 1xbet online sports betting management
  • Soil 1xbet online sports betting monitoring technologies
  • Crop 1xbet online sports betting uptake dynamics
  • 1xbet online sports betting and nitrogen fertilizer interactions and their effects on crop performance
View Daran's Profile on Google Scholar

About Daran 1xbet online sports betting

Daran Rudnick is Professor and Director of Sustainable Irrigation in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Kansas State University. His responsibilities include developing and conducting relevant and responsive 1xbet online sports betting and crop management research and extension programs for Kansas leading the KSU-TAPS and Master Irrigator programs. Specific interests include full and deficit irrigation management, evapotranspiration, precision 1xbet online sports betting management, fertigation, and plant and soil 1xbet online sports betting monitoring technologies.

Honors and Awards

  • 2022 ASABE Superior Paper Award, presented by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) for the refereed journal article titled “A 2020 Vision of Subsurface Drip 1xbet online sports betting in the U.S.” published in the Transactions of the ASABE. July 18, 2022.
  • 2021 Larry W. Turner Young Extension Professional Award, presented by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. July 14, 2021.
  • 2021 ASABE Superior Paper Award, presented by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) for the refereed journal article titled “Innovative Extension Methods in the U.S. to Promote Irrigation 1xbet online sports betting Management” published in the Transactions of the ASABE. July 15, 2021.
  • 2020 Distinguished Extension/Outreach Program Award, presented by the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association. July 27, 2020. Kansas City, Missouri.

  • 2019 Junior Faculty Holling Family Teaching Award, presented by the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  • 2018 Excellence in Extension Team Award for the Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) program, presented by Nebraska Extension University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • 2016 EWRI-ASCE Best Paper Award, presented by the Environmental and 1xbet online sports betting Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (EWRI-ASCE) for the refereed journal article titled "Impact of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Maize Evapotranspiration Crop Coefficients under Fully Irrigated, Limited 1xbet online sports betting , and Rainfed Settings" published in the Journal of 1xbet online sports betting and Drainage Engineering. May 25, West Palm Beach, FL.
  • 2014 ASABE Superior Paper Award, presented by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) for the refereed journal article titled “Development and Evaluation of Ordinary Least Squares Regression Models for Predicting Irrigated and Rainfed Maize and Soybean Yields” published in the Transactions of the ASABE. July 14, Montreal, QC, Canada.


  1. Accelerating Adoption of 1xbet online sports betting Conservation Technologies and Management Practices through Innovative Engagement Programming. USDA-NRCS CIG. 2020-2023. Amount: 0,000. PI: Daran Rudnick.
  2. An integrated and smart system for irrigation management in rural communities NSF – CPS/SCC. 2019-2023. Amount: ,615,297; UNL: 1,048. Co-PI: Daran 1xbet online sports betting .
  3. A scalable real-time sensing and decision-making system for field-level row-crop irrigation management. NSF-CPS. 2019-2022 Amount: 9,996; UNL: 9,994. Co-PI: Daran 1xbet online sports betting .

Selected Publications

  • Katimbo, A., D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , J. Zhang, Y. Ge, K.C. DeJonge, T.E. Franz, Y. Shi, W. Liang, X. Qiao, D.M. Heeren, I. Kabenge, H. Nakabuye, and J. Duan. 2023. Evaluation of artificial intelligence algorithms with sensor data assimilation in estimating crop evapotranspiration and crop 1xbet online sports betting stress index for irrigation 1xbet online sports betting management. Smart Agriculture Technology 4.
  • Liang, W., J. Oboamah, X. Qiao, Y. Ge, B. Harveson, D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , J. Wang, H. Yang, and A. Gradiz. 2023. CanopyCAM – an edge-computing sensing unit for continuous measurement of canopy cover percentage of dry edible beans. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 24.
  • Katimbo, A., D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , W. Liang, K. DeJonge, T. Lo, T. Franz, Y. Ge, X. Qiao, I. Kabenge, H.N. Nakabuye, and J. Duan. 2022. Two source energy balance coupled with mobile infrared and spectral sensors for estimating maize evapotranspiration. Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting Management 274.
  • Nakabuye, H., D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , K.C. DeJonge, T. Lo, D. Heeren, X. Qiao, T.E. Franz, A. Katimbo, and J. Duan. Real-time 1xbet online sports betting scheduling of maize using degrees above non-stressed (DANS) index in semi-arid environment. Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting Management 274.
  • Katimbo, A., D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , K. DeJonge, T. Lo, X. Qiao, T. Franz, H.N. Nakabuye, and J. Duan. 2022. Crop 1xbet online sports betting stress index computation approaches and their sensitivity to soil 1xbet online sports betting dynamics. Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting Management 266.
  • Abimbola, O.P., T.E. Franz, D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , D. Heeren, H. Yang, A. Wolf, A. Katimbo, H.N. Nakabuye, and A. Amori. 2022. Improving crop modeling to better simulate maize yield variability under different 1xbet online sports betting managements. Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting Management 262.
  • Zhang, J., K. Guan, B. Peng, M. Pan, W. Zhou, C. Jiang, H. Kimm, T.E. Franz, R.F. Grant, Y. Yang, D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , D.M. Heeren, A.E. Suyker, W.L. Bauerle, and G.L. Miner. 2021. Sustainable irrigation based on co-regulation of soil 1xbet online sports betting supply and atmospheric evaporative demand. Nature Communications 12.
  • Lamm, F.R., P.D. Colaizzi, R.B. Sorenson, J.P. Bordovsky, M. Dougherty, K. Balkcom, D. Zaccaria, K.M. Bali, D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , and T.R. Peters. 2021. A 2020 vision of subsurface drip 1xbet online sports betting in the U.S. Transactions of the ASABE 64(4): 1319-1343.
  • Zhang, J., K. Guan, B. Peng, M. Pan, W. Zhou, R.F. Grant, T.E. Franz, D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , D.M. Heeren, A. Suyker, Y. Yang, and G. Wu. 2021. Assessing different plant-centric 1xbet online sports betting stress metrics for irrigation efficiency using soil-plant-atmosphere-continuum simulation. 1xbet online sports betting Resources Research 57(9): e2021WR030211.
  • Zhang, J., K. Guan, B. Peng, C. Jiang, W. Zhou, Y. Yang, M. Pan, T.E. Franz, D.M. Heeren, D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , L. Abimbola, H. Kimm, K. Caylor, S. Good, M. Khanna, J. Gates, and Y. Cai. 2021. Challenges and opportunities in precision 1xbet online sports betting decision support systems for center pivots in the United States. Environmental Research Letters 16 (5).
  • Stepanovic, S., D. 1xbet online sports betting , and G. Kruger. 2021. Impact of maize hybrid selection on 1xbet online sports betting productivity under deficit irrigation in semiarid western Nebraska. Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting Management 244.
  • 1xbet online sports betting , D.R., M. Stockton, S. Taghvaeian, J. Warren, M.D. Dukes, A. Kremen, C.G. Henry, J. Aguilar, B. Ortiz, A. Andales, C.A. Burr, X. Qiao, W. Liang, S. Walthour, and S.H. Amosson. 2020. Innovative extension methods to promote 1xbet online sports betting management. Transactions of the ASABE 63(5): 1549-1558.
  • Lo, T., D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , K.C. DeJonge, G. Bai, H. Njuki Nakabuye, A. Katimbo, Y. Ge, T.E. Franz, X. Qiao, and D.M. Heeren. 2020. Differences in soil 1xbet online sports betting changes and canopy temperature under varying 1xbet online sports betting x nitrogen sufficiency for maize. 1xbet online sports betting Science 38: 519-534.
  • Lo, T., H.C. III. Pringle, D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , G. Bai, L.J. Krutz, D.M. Gholson, and X. Qiao. 2020 Within-field variability in granular matrix sensor data and its implications for 1xbet online sports betting scheduling. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 36(4): 437-449.
  • Lo, T., D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , J. Singh2, H. Nakabuye3, A. Katimbo, D. Heeren, and Y. Ge. 2020. Field assessment of interreplicate variability from eight electromagnetic soil moisture sensors. Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting Management 231.
  • Lo, T., D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , and T.M. Shaver. 2019. Variable rate chemigation via center pivots. Journal of 1xbet online sports betting and Drainage Engineering 145(7).
  • Lo, T., D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , B.T. Krienke, D.M. Heeren, Y. Ge, and T.M. Shaver. 2019. 1xbet online sports betting Effects on Optical Canopy Sensing for Late-Season Site-Specific Nitrogen Management of Maize. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 162: 154-164.
  • Singh, J., T. Lo, D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , S. Irmak, and H. Blanco-Canqui. 2019. Quantifying and correcting for clay content effects on soil 1xbet online sports betting measurement by reflectometers. Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting Management. 216: 390-399.
  • 1xbet online sports betting , D.R., S. Irmak, C. West, J.L. Chávez, I. Kisekka, T.H. Marek, J.P. Schneekloth, D. Mitchell McCallister, V. Sharma, K. Djaman, J. Aguilar, M.E. Schipanski, D.H. Rogers, and A. Schlegel. 2019. Deficit 1xbet online sports betting management of maize in the High Plains Aquifer region: A review. Journal of the American 1xbet online sports betting Resources Association 55(1): 38-55.
  • Lo, T., D.R. 1xbet online sports betting , C.A. Burr, M.C. Stockton, and R. Werle. 2019. Approaches to evaluating grower 1xbet online sports betting and fertilizer nitrogen amount and timing. Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting Management. 213: 693-706.