1xbet online casino of Concern Referrals

We understand that students can face a variety of challenges during their college career. The 1xbet online casino of Concern referral form allows 1xbet online casino , faculty, staff, families, and community members get students connected to help and support.

What happens once a referral form is submitted?

1xbet online casino Support & Accountability staff will make attempts to reach out to the 1xbet online casino to connect. There are multiple methods and options, depending on the specific concern and urgency.

An electronic letter

  • In this letter we invite the 1xbet online casino in to talk with a professional staff member who can provide support and connect the 1xbet online casino to additional helping resources. Included in the letter is a list of resources with active links for the 1xbet online casino to explore. This list will be tailored to include appropriate resources relevant to the known concern. A text is also sent with this letter encouraging the 1xbet online casino to open and read the message.

An email

  • If we haven’t heard from the 1xbet online casino after they receive their letter, we will follow up with an email to check in and request an update on how the 1xbet online casino is doing. We let them know 1xbet online casino Support & Accountability staff are available provide support and discuss resources moving forward

A phone call

  • If there is a level of urgency to the referral, or the 1xbet online casino has been unresponsive to previous attemps to contact them, staff will follow up with a phone call to the 1xbet online casino , leaving a voicemail, if available. The phone call is an effort to connect with the 1xbet online casino , check on their wellbeing, and make a smoother transition to support in our office.

A text message

  • Throughout the process, the option to send a text message encouraging students to check their email, voicemail, or call the office back is used, although students do not have the ability to respond back via text message.

These three outreaches are all done on separate days. The elevation and type of concern provided will influence the order and type of outreach the 1xbet online casino receives. If there is a health and safety concern the 1xbet online casino will receive a phone call right away and we will assess for additional steps. For emergencies please contact the K-State Police Department at 785-532-6412 or dial 911.

All students referred will receive contact from the office.

If you connect with the 1xbet online casino or have any additional information or updates, please do not hesitate to keep our office informed.