Student Organization Conduct Code and Process for Discipline: appendix 1xbet best casino website A - Violation Rubric

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Timeline for most direct resolution violations resets each academic year with consideration of the timing and severity of each violation.These violations and outcomes will be reviewed regularly for appropriate adjustments to be made.

Direct Resolution Rubric


First Offense  

Second Offense  

Third Offense 

Abuse of Process

Internal or 1xbet best casino website Investigation only

Aiding in Academic Misconduct

Internal Investigation

1xbet best casino website Investigation

1xbet best casino website Investigation


Warning letter

Social probation

Suspension of all social events for remainder of year

Alleged Violation of Law

Internal or 1xbet best casino website Investigation only

Arrest Provision

Internal or 1xbet best casino website Investigation only

Systematic Harassment/Discrimination Based on a Protected Class

1xbet best casino website Investigation and/or Office of Institutional Equity

Damage/Destruction of Property

Restitution for Damage

Internal Investigation or 1xbet best casino website Investigation

Disruptive Activity/Disorderly Conduct

Internal Investigation or 1xbet best casino website Investigation

Drugs or Other Controlled Substances

Internal Investigation or 1xbet best casino website Investigation


Internal or 1xbet best casino website Investigation only

Failure to Comply

1xbet best casino website Investigation only

Financial Obligations

Internal or 1xbet best casino website Investigation only


Internal or 1xbet best casino website Investigation only


Internal or 1xbet best casino website Investigation only


1xbet best casino website Investigation only

Sexual Misconduct

1xbet best casino website Investigation and/or Office of Institutional Equity Process only

Trademark/Copyright Violations

Referred to 1xbet best casino website Trademark Office

Internal or 1xbet best casino website Investigation only

Violations of 1xbet best casino website Policies

Internal or 1xbet best casino website Investigation only

Student Organization Conduct code 1xbet best casino website and Process for Discipline: Appendix B - Outcomes

Outcomes may include, but are not limited to:

  • Educational Outcome: These may include, but are not limited to, educational programming, community service, interventions, restrictions, workshops, or other outcomes determined to help develop the culture and community of the RSO. The director of student life or designee will determine educational outcomes after consultation with the appropriate 1xbet best casino website office(s), the governing body and/or affiliated organization of the RSO, organizational leadership, advisors, and/or other appropriate stakeholders as necessary.
  • Structural Outcomes: These are related to the structure, membership or governance of the organization. Structural outcomes, developed in collaboration with the inter/national organizational governing body (if applicable), may include, but are not limited to, changes to RSO operating procedures, a review of RSO membership/leadership, an external RSO review, and changes to RSO advisor support. Structural outcomes may be included alongside any status and educational outcomes, but only after consultation with the appropriate 1xbet best casino website department(s), the RSO inter/national governing body (if applicable), the RSO representative, RSO advisors, and/or other appropriate stakeholders as necessary.
  • Warning: A warning is given to notify the RSO the behavior and conduct has been inconsistent with the expectations of the policy. A warning has no immediate effect upon an RSO’s status at the 1xbet best casino website and may be specified for a period of time. However, once given a warning, the RSO should expect different outcomes to result from any subsequent violations, especially while on a current warning status when/if similar behaviors occur.
  • Restriction of Privileges: Restriction of privileges precludes the RSO from participating in certain activities or may require the RSO to forfeit specific privileges. The RSO under a status of restriction of privileges is not in good standing with the 1xbet best casino website . Restriction of privileges may include, but is not limited to, loss or limitation of social events or limitation of ability to participate in 1xbet best casino website events or activities.
  • Disciplinary Probation: Disciplinary probation serves to notify the RSO that it must avoid any further violations for a specified period of time in order to avoid additional disciplinary action. RSOs on probation are not in good standing with the 1xbet best casino website . An RSO may be prohibited from participating in certain activities or forfeit specific privileges while on probation. If the RSO on probation is found responsible for any subsequent violations, the outcomes may escalate. Disciplinary probation may include restriction of privileges.
  • Deferred Suspension: Deferred suspension is a status for a specified period of time during which any subsequent finding of responsibility for a violation of the student organization code or any other 1xbet best casino website policy shall result in suspension for the RSO. Deferred suspension may include restriction of privileges.
  • Suspension: Suspension is a status for a specified period of time that includes, but is not limited to, the revocation of the 1xbet best casino website 's registration of the RSO for a stated or an indeterminate period of time, termination of 1xbet best casino website funding, restriction of all operations at the 1xbet best casino website , and restriction of use of 1xbet best casino website resources. If the RSO also holds a charter from a(n) inter/national organizational governing body, the 1xbet best casino website may also request that the inter/national organizational governing body, revoke the charter of the RSO.
    • An RSO placed on suspension is prohibited from sponsoring, co-sponsoring, or participating in any and all social, intramural, athletic, or other similar activities on or off campus. A suspended RSO may not solicit or initiate any new members. Suspension may also include the forfeiture of other specifically listed privileges. Suspension should be for a specific and determined period of time, and will include a written return agreement outlining specific conditions for return. The suspension may be delayed at the discretion of the director of student life or designee.
    • Continued operation of the RSO after suspension or loss of recognition will result in a violation of failure to comply and may result in additional outcomes or restrictions, up to and including an extension of the suspension beyond the terms originally outlined in the initial outcomes Letter/return agreement.

An RSO that has completed a period of suspension and has met conditions for return as outlined in the return agreement may seek reinstatement by complying with the registration requirements of the appropriate 1xbet best casino website department.