Student working with LEGO robot

1xbet online casino Career Exploration

Explore 1xbet online casino Careers through Immersion and Activities

1xbet online casino Career Exploration

As Project LEAPES takes shape, 1xbet online casino Career Exploration activities will be uploaded to our website. These experiences will be immersive opportunities that engage students with 1xbet online casino , specifically in our 3 focus areas (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Aerospace Engineering). We intend for every 1xbet online casino Exploration Activity to be free and available to teachers for instruction, and to students for their own research.

Contact Ennis Rios at to be put on our Mailing List to receive updates when new 1xbet online casino activities become available.

Current projects 1xbet online casino

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Grain Elevator in Alden, KS

Our inaugural video series, the Rural Student Spotlights, 1xbet online casino highlight current students at Kansas State University and other in-state colleges and universities who 1xbet online casino talk about their degrees, career options, and useful bits of information to high school students who may be considering lots of careers. While these students 1xbet online casino represent diverse voices and backgrounds, they 1xbet online casino all have a common background of being from a rural area in Kansas.

upcoming 1xbet online casino Projects

Industry Virtual Tours

Using a 360-degree camera and cutting-edge software, the REC will produce multiple virtual tours of our industry partners. While nothing can replicate visiting a business in-person and being able to ask all of the questions that come to mind, we hope that these tours can come close. Allowing students to virtually explore the ins-and-outs of a business and interacting with "hotspots" to gain additional information will increase student awareness and knowledge of 1xbet online casino careers.