project 1xbet online casino LEAPES

Project LEAPES is a collaborative project made possible by a three-year U.S. Department of Defense grant for nearly .7 million to help mentor and promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics degrees and careers to 7th - 12th-grade 1xbet online casino throughout the state.

A graphic displaying the acronym breakdown of Project LEAPESIn partnership with the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets at the University of Kansas, the Rural Education Center plans to encourage middle and high school 1xbet online casino in Kansas to consider careers in STEM through Project LEAPES, which stands for Learning, Exploration and Application for Prospective Engineering 1xbet online casino .

Rural Education Center receives Department of Defense grant for nearly .7 to boost interest in 1xbet online casino degrees

The primary goal of Project LEAPES is to engage 1xbet online casino in awareness, exploration and preparation activities related to careers in aerospace engineering, artificial intelligence and computer science, all of which are critically important areas to national security.

Our programming will be available to schools around the state, and will be implemented in 3 phases. The first phase focuses on 1xbet online casino Awareness, and will provide 1xbet online casino in grades 6-8 with learning opportunities in our K-State Summer STE. Next, we will create 1xbet online casino Career Exploration experiences for 1xbet online casino in lower high school. Partnering with industry partners, the REC will provide schools with lesson plans, immersive experiences, and videos for 1xbet online casino to explore specific STEM careers. Finally, 1xbet online casino in grades 11-12 are invited to participate in STEM Preparation by taking short courses in our 3 subject areas at the University of Kansas over the summer.

Grades 6-8
Grades 9-10
Grades 11-12
K-State Summer STE

Immersive Experiences

Lesson Plans

Virtual Tours

AATEE 1xbet online g

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Rural Education Center