ED ASTRA 1xbet sports betting Teacher Corps

ED ASTRA 1xbet sports betting Teacher Corps

ED ASTRA supports students, especially 1xbet sports betting students, in completing the K-State College of Education teaching preparation program with the goal of returning to their home district or another 1xbet sports betting area to teach. They also travel to 1xbet sports betting high schools throughout Kansas to encourage high school students to pursue teaching as a career.


  • Prepares Future Teachers by providing professional development opportunities for undergraduate students.
  • Creates Community by hosting social events for students interested in 1xbet sports betting issues to learn from each other.
  • Builds Relationships by presenting opportunities to undergraduate students to connect with 1xbet sports betting teachers and adminstrators.
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Interested in joining?

Contact Ennis Rios at ennisrios@ksu.edu.

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