Statistical 1xbet online casino Laboratory
Request a 1xbet online casino Appointment

  • To request a 1xbet online casino appointment, please follow this link to the 1xbet online casino Appointment Request form.
  • You will be asked for the following information:
    • Faculty/Principal Investigator contact information.
    • Whether your project has Kansas State Research Extension (KSRE) affiliation.
    • Information about your research questions.
  • Note that a complete 1xbet online casino Request Form is required before any consultation can be scheduled.
  • Requests for statistical 1xbet online casino will be addressed in the order in which they are received. You should hear back from us within 6 working days.
  • Note that all 1xbet online casino meetings are scheduled by appointment only. No walk-ins will be accepted.

What to Expect When You Visit the Statistical 1xbet online casino Laboratory

  • It will be important for you to discuss with the statistician how you have collected or plan to collect the data.
  • If yours is a designed experiment:
    • What factors are controlled?
    • What are the treatments?
    • How are the treatments administered?
  • If it is a survey:
    • What is the target population?
    • What is the population sampled?
    • How is the sampling done?
    • Is it a simple random sample or something more complicated?
  • Schematic diagrams, pictures, and the like can be a big help in explaining your data collection process.
  • Data management is an important issue. You should be prepared to discuss with the statistician how to format your data whether in a spreadsheet format or otherwise. The data must be in a format compatible with the software to be used for analysis.
  • Other issues of importance include an understanding of who will actually do the analysis. Statisticians may help you set things up, but any additional work would raise issues of time and compensation. Statisticians also expect to receive professional recognition for their contributions. Extended and in-depth involvement of the statistician in a research project will be expected to lead to joint authorship in any publications. These matters should and will be discussed up front during your first visit to avoid misunderstandings.