Declare a minor 1xbet online casino in Statistics

If you are interested in applying for a Statistics minor, please complete the following information and someone from the Statistics department will contact you. Please make sure your email address is correct, because that is how we will contact you.
(An asterisk * indicates a required field.)

Personal Information
Course Requirements
Select the courses you plan to use for your statistics minor. (These may be changed later.)
A minor in Statistics requires an additional 6 credits of quantitative electives, which must have a 1xbet online casino course as a prerequisite. If you know which courses you would like to take, please check them in the list below. If you don't yet know which courses you want to take, you can decide later. The following courses have already been approved for the minor:
Other courses may be approved for the quantitative electives at the discretion of the Department of Statistics. If you want a course not on this list to be considered, please enter the prefix and course number here.
Courses Already Taken