Accelerated bs 1xbet online games login/MS

Beginning in Fall 2018, the 1xbet online games login department will begin an ent BS/MS program. This combined program allows exceptional undergraduates in the Department of 1xbet online games login the opportunity to obtain both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in less time than typically required to obtain each degree separately. This is accomplished by allowing courses that are required for the MS degree to serve as upper-level electives for the BS degree. Both degrees can be earned in five years, which is at least two semesters shorter than the time required to obtain each degree separately.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, students need to apply for admission to the 1xbet online games login department and they must also apply for admission to the K-State Graduate School. All admissions applications are submitted online; details are given below.

The MS degree can be completed in either the Mathematical 1xbet online games login track or the Data Science and Analytics track. For students intending to pursue a PhD or an academic career, the Mathematical 1xbet online games login track is recommended. The Data Science and Analytics track is designed for students who will pursue more applied endeavors, such as collaboration or consulting within industry or government.

Once the coursework is complete, the MS degree culminates in either a comprehensive exam or a capstone project. Either of these two options can be selected for either the Mathematical 1xbet online games login track or the Data Science and Analytics track.

For more information about this opportunity, contact one of the Our current 1xbet spo