In Memoriam of Dr. Paul I. 1xbet online sports betting

Paul NelsonDr. Paul 1xbet online sports betting passed away on December 9, 2021. Here is his obituary ( online sports betting /article_05e279bc-c3a7-5432-9fc7-d89872c7680e.html).

Bonnie 1xbet online sports betting passed away in 2019. To read about Dr. Bonnie 1xbet online sports betting please see: online sports betting /

Paul 1xbet online sports betting was Professor of Statistics at Kansas State University. Paul retired in 2015 and was recognized for 32 years of dedicated service to the Department of Statistics. Paul earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Queen’s College, City of New York in 1963, a Master of Science degree in Mathematics from Rutgers University in 1965, a Master of Science degree in Statistics from Rutgers University in 1966, and a PhD in Statistics from Rutgers University in 1969. He served as an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University in the Department of Statistics from 1969-1971, followed by appointments as Assistant and Associate Professor at Bucknell University in the Department of Mathematics from 1971-1976 and 1979-1981, with Visiting Associate Professor appointments at The Pennsylvania State University in the Department of Statistics during 1977-1979 and 1981-1983. He joined the faculty in the Department of Statistics at Kansas State University in 1983 and was promoted to Full Professor in 1989.

Paul was an established researcher with a national and international reputation having contributed fundamental work in the area of estimation for stochastic processes. In particular, his research in quasi-likelihood estimation for semimartingales provided a framework for optimal parameter estimation for general processes, widely known as the Hutton-1xbet online sports betting solution. In addition, he was known for his research on prediction of order 1xbet online sports betting and nonparametric testing procedures, including those based on biased-size sampling and precedence probabilities. Paul’s competence as a strong researcher naturally led editors of many prominent journals of the discipline to seek his careful review of research manuscripts. Finally, Paul collaborated with researchers across campus, always with a critical approach to applied research through novel applications of his mathematical and statistical expertise.

His contributions as a teacher and researcher within the department were considerable as well. Known as an excellent and innovative teacher, Paul taught a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate level classes, including core courses in stochastic processes, multivariate analysis, sampling techniques and survival analysis. Notably, while at K-State, Paul served as major professor for nine PhD and thirty-eight MS students in 1xbet online sports betting , along with providing service as a committee member for many graduate students within and outside the department. He also provided continuous and consistent service on many departmental committees, including those which advanced the academic growth of the department through extensive curriculum improvement.

His colleagues in the department and across campus provided this citation to Paul in appreciation for his many accomplishments and his dedicated service to the Department of 1xbet online sports betting and Kansas State University.


Ling, Y., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (2014) "Effect size for comparing two or more normal distributions based on maximal contrasts in outcomes." Statistical Methods and Applications 23(3): 381-399.

Hua, J. J., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (2013) "A comparison of the performance of four confidence intervals for population size based on a capture–recapture design." Proceedings of Joint Statistical Meetings: 2448-2456.

Ling, Y., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (2013) "Consistency of p-values obtained by averaging over nuisance parameters." Communications in 1xbet online sports betting -Theory and Methods 42(5): 852-866.

Liu, Y., P. I. 1xbet online sports betting , and S. S. Yang. (2012) "An omnibus lack of fit test in logistic regression with sparse data." Statistical Methods and Applications 21(4): 437-452.

Kang, Q., P. I. 1xbet online sports betting , and C. I. Vahl. (2010) "Parameter estimation 1xbet online sports betting an outcome-dependent enriched sample using weighted likelihood method." Statistica Sinica: 1529-1550.

Kang, Q., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (2009) "Permutation tests from biased samples for the equality of two distributions." Journal of Nonparametric 1xbet online sports betting 21(3): 305-319.

Kang, Q., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (2008) “Nonparametric tests for the median from a size-biased sample.” Journal of Nonparametric 1xbet online sports betting 20(1): 19-37.

1xbet online sports betting , P. I., and K. E. Kemp. (2003) “Testing for the Presence of a Maverick Judge.” Communications in 1xbet online sports betting -Theory and Methods 32(4): 807-826.

Xie, R. R., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (2003) "Separation among distributions related by linear regression." The American Statistician 57(1): 33-36.

El Barmi, H., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (2002) "A note on estimating a non-increasing density in the presence of selection bias." Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 107(1): 353-364.

Fedde, M. R., P. I. 1xbet online sports betting , and W. D. Kuhlmann. (2002) "Ventilatory sensitivity to changes in inspired and arterial carbon dioxide partial pressures in the chicken." Poultry Science 81(6): 869-876.

1xbet online sports betting , P.I., and K. E. Kemp. (2000) “Small sample set estimation of a baseline ranking.” Communication in 1xbet online sports betting - Theory and Methods 29(1): 19-43.

Kaminsky, K. S., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1998) "Prediction of order 1xbet online sports betting ." Handbook of 1xbet online sports betting 17: 431-450.

Kemp, K. E., Yang, S. S., Perng, S. K., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1998) "An asymptotically distribution free test for assessing the separation between two distributions." Journal of Nonparametric 1xbet online sports betting 2(3): 235-248.

El Barmi, H., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1997) "Inference from stable distributions." Institute of Mathematical 1xbet online sports betting Lecture Notes - Monograph Series 1997: 439-456.

1xbet online sports betting , P. I. (1997) "The New Statistical Analysis of Data." Journal of the American Statistical Association 92(438): 795.

Ogunyemi, O. T., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1997) "Prediction of gamma failure times." IEEE transactions on reliability 46(3): 400-405.

Ogunyemi, O. T., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1996) "Exact and adaptive prediction intervals for order 1xbet online sports betting ." Communications in 1xbet online sports betting -Simulation and Computation 25(4): 1057-1074.

Ogunyemi, O. T., Hutton, J. E., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1993). “Approximate Bayes estimators for stochastic processes.” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 45(3-4): 219-231.

Hutton, J. E., Ogunyemi, O. T., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1991) "Simplified and twostage-quasi-likelihood estimators." Estimating Functions, Oxford Science Publications, Oxford: 169-187.

Perng, S. K., Kemp, K. E., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting (1989). “Testing for a separation between two normal distributions.” Communications in 1xbet online sports betting -Theory and Methods 18(5): 1895-1912.

1xbet online sports betting , P. I., and S. S. Yang. (1988) "Some properties of Kendall's partial rank correlation coefficient." 1xbet online sports betting & Probability Letters 6(3): 147-150.

Hutton, J. E., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1986) "Quasi-likelihood estimation for semimartingales." Stochastic Processes and their Applications 22(2): 245-257.

Isobe, T., Feigelson, E. D., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1986) "Statistical methods for astronomical data with upper limits. II-Correlation and regression." The Astrophysical Journal 306: 490-507.

Feigelson, E. D., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1985) "Statistical methods for astronomical data with upper limits. I-Univariate distributions." The Astrophysical Journal 293: 192-206.

Hutton, J. E., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1984) "Interchanging the order of differentiation and stochastic integration." Stochastic Processes and their Applications 18(2): 371-377.

Kaminsky, K. S., Luks, E. M., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1984) "Strategy, nontransitive dominance and the exponential distribution." Australian Journal of 1xbet online sports betting 26(2): 111-118.

1xbet online sports betting , P. I. (1980) "A note on strong consistency of least squares estimators in regression models with martingale difference errors." The Annals of 1xbet online sports betting 8(5): 1057-1064.

Klimko, L. A., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1978) "On conditional least squares estimation for stochastic processes." The Annals of 1xbet online sports betting 6(3): 629-642.

Kaminsky, K. S., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1975) "Best linear unbiased prediction of order 1xbet online sports betting in location and scale families." Journal of the American Statistical Association 70(349): 145-150.

Kaminsky, K. S., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1975) "Characterization of distributions by the form of predictors of order 1xbet online sports betting ." A Modern Course on Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work. Springer, Dordrecht, 113-115.

Kaminsky, K. S., Mann, N. R., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1975) "Best and simplified linear invariant prediction of order 1xbet online sports betting in location and scale families." Biometrika 62(2): 525-527.

Kaminsky, K. S., and P. I. 1xbet online sports betting . (1974) "Prediction intervals for the exponential distribution using subsets of the data." Technometrics 16(1): 57-59.

1xbet online sports betting , P. I. (1970) "A class of orthogonal series related to martingales." The Annals of Mathematical 1xbet online sports betting 41(5): 1684-1694.

Students advised by Dr. Paul 1xbet online sports betting

Ph.D. Graduates

Dissertation Title


Xie, Lin

Statistical Inference For Rankings in the Presence of Panel Segmentation


Dey, Rajarshi

Inference For the K-Sample Problem Based on Precedence Probabilities


Ling, Yan

Inference for the Intrinsic Separation Among Distributions Which May Differ in Location and Scale


Kang, Qing

Nonparametric Tests for a Size-Biased Sample


Zhang, Ying

Parameter Estimation in Continuous and Discrete Time Queues Using Queue Length and Waiting Time Data


Perera, Subashan

Autoregressive Time Series Models with Exponential Marginal Distributions


McCarter, Kevin

Estimation and Prediction for the Birnbaum-saunders Distribution Using Type-ii Censored Samples, with a Comparison to the Inverse Gaussian Distribution


Curriero, Frank C.

The Use of Non-euclidean Distances in Geostatistics


Ogunyemi, Theophilus Olabode

Simplified, Two-stage Estimators and a Bayes Type Modification of Maximum Quasi-likelihood Estimators


M.S. Graduates

Dissertation Title


Jiao, Yuanfang

A Simulation Comparison of two Methods for Controlling the Experiment-wise Type 1 Error Rate of Correlated tests for Contrasts in One-way Completely Randomized Designs


Cao, Yueping (Jennifer)

The Performance and Robustness of Confidence Intervals for the Median of a Symmetric Distribution Constucted Assuming Sampling 1xbet online sports betting a Cauchy Distribution


Fei, Mingwei

A Study of the Robustness of Cox's Proportional Hazards Model Used in Testing for Covariate Effects


Hembree, David

The Robustness of Normal Theory Confidence Intervals for Effect Size


Li, Xin

A Simulation Evaluation of Backward Elimination and Stepwise Variable Selection in Regression Analysis


Makarova, Natalya

A Simulation Study of the Robustness of Prediction Intervals for an Independent Observation Obtained 1xbet online sports betting a Random Sample 1xbet online sports betting an Assumed Location-Scale Family of Distributions


Hua, Jianjun

Confidence Intervals for Population Size Based on a Capture-Recapture Design


Devamitta-Perera, Muditha

Robustness Of Normal Theory Inference When Random Effects Are Not Normally Distributed


Serasinghe, Kumary

A Simulation Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric Estimators of Quantiles 1xbet online sports betting Right Censored Data


Paranagama, Thilanka

A Simulation Study of the Robustness of the Least Median of Squares Estimator of Slope in a Regression Through the Origin Model


Gayle, Suelen

A Simulation Study of the Size and Power of Cochran's Q VERSUS the standard chi-square test for Testing the Equality of Correlated Proportions


Wu, Yun

A Simulation Study of the Robustness of Hotelling's T2 Test for the Mean of a Multivariate Distribution When Sampling 1xbet online sports betting a Multivariate Skew-Normal Distribution


Yang, Celeste

A Study of the Calibration-Inverse Prediction Problem in a Mixed Model Setting


Yankovskyy, Yevhen

Application of a Gibbs Sampler to Estimating Parameters of a Hierarchical Normal Model with a Time Trend and Testing for Existence of the Global Warming


Shrestha, Smriti

A Study of the Consequences of Ignoring Measurement Error on Inference for the Slope of a Linear Regression Model


Wang, Yunxun

Simulation Study of Tests for Common Correlation Coefficient of Bivariate Normal Distributions


Bi, Lieqi

A Class of Robust Tests for the Center of a Symmetric Distribution


Ling, Yan

Estimating a Mean Using the Closest Two Out of Three Measurements


Feng, Xiujuan

Comparing Three Methods of Testing for Independence


Sun, Xin

Effects of Nonnormality on Confidence Intervals for the Intra Class Correlation Coefficient in One Way Random Effect Models


Xie, Yali

Confidence Interval for a Small Binomial Proportion


Kang, Qing

Expected Significance Levels and P-Values


Xie, Rongrong

Testing for Separation among Normal Distributions Whose Means Are a Linear Function of a Predictor Variable


Zhou, Xia

A Comparison of Asympotically Normal Test 1xbet online sports betting Based on Estimated and Hypothesized Variance Functions


Chai, Juan

A Simulation Comparison of Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Estimation for a Linear Regression Model When the Response Is Subject to Right Censorship


Xiao, Bohong

The Linear Calibration Problem


Zhang, Ying

Exam Option.


Cai, Yaping

A Simulation Study of Tests of Randomness with Application to Meteorology


Xiang, Hua (Helen)

A Simulation Study of the Robustness of the One Sample T-test with Respect to Heterogeneity of Scale


Perera, Subashan

Estimating the Correlation Coefficient in the Presence of Homogeneous Censoring


Cao, Guoxiang

Estimating Functions on Chaotic Dynamical Systems


Hsu, Ling-Ling

A Simulation Study of Two Hypothesis Testing Problems for Markov Chains


Hu, Yunqin

Bootstrap Tests for Equality of Scale Parameters for Nonnormal Distributions


Shult, Jiang T.

A Comparison of Prediction Intervals for an Independent Future Observation


Cheng, Hui-Jung

1xbet online sports betting and the Law


Peng, Xiaojun

Comparing Three Methods of Estimating Pr(xy)


Lu, Biao

Analysis of Repeated Measures with Gibbs Sampler